TSC Confirms that July Slots Will be PNP, not Internship:Current Interns Likely to get confirmed

TSC Uses Merit Lists To Distribute Deployment Letters to P1 Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has commenced deployment of qualified and practicing Primary school teachers to secondary schools.

So Far, the Commission has issued Nairobi County with five deployment letters, Nakuru County with two while Kilifi, Kiambu, Makueni, Embu and Kajiado Counties got three each.

Read also:

TSC July 2022 Recruitment Letters Out- How To Get Yours

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The letters have been disbursed despite TSC not advertising for any deployment post this year. Even though TSC did not advertise for the deployment posts this year, it used a generated merit list from previous applications in past years to deploy the PTE teachers.

in 2019,2020 and 2021, TSC had advertised for 1,000 deployment posts.

TSC uses deployment as a form of promotion for primary school teachers who have furthered their studies.

Only those teachers who have studied degree in secondary option are deployed, those who studied diploma and degree in primary option or ECDE are not considered.

A deployed teacher in job group C2 earns a minimum of Ksh34,955 in basic pay and Ksh43,694 at maximum.

They also enjoy a commuter allowance of Ksh5,000, a house allowance of Ksh7,500 for those who are not in any municipality and a leave allowance of Ksh6,000 paid once per year.

Teachers in hardship areas earn an additional hardship allowance of Ksh10,900.

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