All Delocalized Teachers To Be Moved Closer To their families under new CBA

Unions Launch a Fresh Push For Teacher’s Salary Increment

Teachers’ unions KNUT and KUPPET are working secretly behind the scenes to ensure an increment in salary for their members.

The reports in our custody reveal that Both Knut and Kuppet national officials have held several meetings casually with top TSC officials. Mostly the agenda in those meetings are issues aimed at giving room for at least a slight salary review.

Even though teachers have missed out on pay rise through the national budget, a section of union officials from both unions have cited a possibility of a supplementary budget as a sure way of making teachers get higher perks.

Supplementary Budget is usually done when the government Ministries and state Departments request for additional funds from the treasury in the course of the year.

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Teachers missed out on national budget since TSC and teachers’ unions failed to strike an agreement aimed at reviewing the non-monetary CBA they signed in July last 2021 early enough to factor a salary component.

According to Sources close to TSC, the Commission is more determined to solve the biting teacher shortage in the country rather that investing resources on salaries.

Even though the Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani allocated an additional ksh 143b to TSC this year, the latter has refuted claims that the money will be used to award salary increment to teachers.

In its report to the parliament, TSC confirmed that the additional allocated funds will be used to employ additional teachers.

In the budget, the commission had an allocation of ksh 2.5 billion for employing 5,000 teachers on permanent terms and another ksh 1.2 billion for employing 6,000 others on internship.

The talks between the Commission and the teachers’ unions, knut and kuppet concerning the review of CBA 2021-2025, which created new hopes for teachers’ salary changes collapsed.

Should the ongoing secret talks between TSC and teachers’ unions bear fruits, teachers will get additional salaries through a supplementary budget.

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