Omboko, Misori to Defend Their Seats In The 2021 KUPPET Polls: Misori Sure Of Re-election

Updated: KUPPET Election Dates and venues per county

The Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, Has released dates and venues for branch elections in all the 47 counties.

Each branch will have 10 elective seats and 3 nomination slots. The elective seats will be: chairperson, vice chair person, executive secretary, vice executive secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, organizing secretary, secretary secondary, secretary tertiary and gender secretary.


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To be eligible as a voter, one must:

  • Be a registered member of KUPPET, and must have contributed union dues consistently for 13 weeks.
  • Show latest pay slip
  • Have a national ID card

Below are KUPPET Branch election dates and venues per county.

BARINGO 23-1-2021 Marigat high
BOMET 23-1-2021 Bomet TTC
BUNGOMA 27-2-2021 Bungoma members club
BUSIA 27-2-2021 St. mathias sec.
ELGEYO MARAKWET 23-1-2021 Sacred heart of Jesus, Iten
EMBU COUNTY 13-2-2021 Urban pri.
GARISSA 13-2-2021 Garissa agricultural training centre
HOMA BAY 22-1-2021 GEB girls
ISIOLO 06-2-2021 Isiolo catholic pastoral centre
KAJIADO 20-2-2021 Nkoroi sec.
KAKAMEGA 20-2-2021 Malava friends church
KERICHO 27-2-2021 Kericho green stadium
KIAMBU 16-1-2021 Ruiru town
KILIFI 06-2-2021 Kilifi township sec
KIRINYAGA 23-1-2021  
KISII 15-1-2021 Gusii Stadium
KISUMU 27-2-2021 Tom mboya labour college
KITUI 30-1-2021 Multi purpose hall
KWALE 30-1-2021 Kwale high
LAIKIPIA 27-2-2021 Waiyumiririe sec
LAMU 30-1-2021 mpeketoni
MACHAKOS 16-1-2021 Machakos university
MAKUENI 30-1-2021 Emannuel fountain hall, sultan hamud
MARSABIT 06-2-2021 St. Stephen ACK Hall
MERU 16-1-2021 Gitoro C.C
MIGORI 15-1-2021 Migori TTC
MOMBASA 13-2-2021 Shanzu TTC
MURANG’A 23-1-2021 Technology primary
NAIROBI 13-2-2021 KICD
NAKURU 13-2-2021 ACK Cathedral
NANDI 16-1-2021 Kapsabet
NAROK 20-2-2021 Ole Tipis girls
NYAMIRA 19-2-2021 Viongozi centre
NYANDARUA 20-2-2021 Ol’ kalou catholic church
NYERI 30-1-2021 Nyamachaki PCEA
SAMBURU 13-2-2021 St Joseph alomoro catholic
SIAYA 06-2-2021 St. Julians academy
TAITA TAVETA 30-1-2021 Emmanuel fountain Hall
TANA RIVER 06-2-2021 Hola boys
THARAKA NITHI 27-2-2021 Trans national Mwalimu sacco centre, chuka
TRANS NZOIA 20-2-2021 Kitale town
TURKANA 30-1-2021 St. kelvins sec.
UASIN GISHU 16-1-2021 Eldoret
VIHIGA COUNTY 23-1-2021 Mbale boys
WAJIR COUNTY 06-2-2021 Wajir Hilton palace hotel
WEST POKOT 06-2-2021 Mtelo hall, kapenguria

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