Teacher Promotion, Professional Growth To Be Determined By Performance In The Mandatory Refresher Courses

Uphold Integrity in Examinations, TSC Urges Teachers

Teachers have been urged to guard against malpractices in this year’s five national examinations. In a statement ahead of the examinations that start this month, Teachers Service Commission Chief Executive Dr Nancy Macharia asked school principals to ensure Grade 6, Class 8 and Form 4 candidates are adequately prepared to sit the five national examinations lined up in the 2022 calendar year.

“At times, those in positions of centre managers, supervisors and invigilators have been found culpable of exams malpractice,” Dr Macharia said. She added: “I wish to remind all teachers to prepare the candidates well and desist from the temptation of engaging in any examination malpractices,” she said.

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The 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) that are scheduled to be held in March 2022. In November and December 2022, candidates will sit the 2022 Grade 6, KCPE and KCSE national examinations.

At the same time, Dr Macharia announced that secondary school teachers will begin their training on the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in April 2022 in readiness to receive the first CBC cohort, now in Grade 6.  The Grade 6 learners are expected to join junior secondary school in 2023.

‘‘I urge you to familiarise yourselves with the CBC since the first CBC cohort will join junior secondary school in 2023,’’ she said. The role of the teacher has changed fundamentally with the change in curriculum, she said, meaning teachers are required to use differentiated modes of instruction and assessment for learners to benefit individually and progress meaningfully.

She said the integration of ICT in teaching and learning will help improve teachers’ content delivery and classroom engagement. ‘‘Teachers need to be technosavvy not only to access online educational resources and diversify their modes of curriculum delivery, but also to access a whole range of automated services offered by the Commission,” she said.

She urged teachers to embrace remote learning methodologies as a strategy to ensure learning continues even during pandemics such as COVID-19.

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