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Use CBC Compliant Primary School Teachers to Teach Grade 7, KESSHA Tells TSC

Kenya Secondary School of Head Teacher Association (KESSHA) has called for increased capitation to schools even as they welcome the move to anchor junior secondary in primary schools.

KESSHA National Chair Kahi Indimuli said that capitation should be increased from the current amount being given to secondary school students to match the current economic situation.

He said although junior secondary school is domiciled in primary school, the content is secondarily based, and teachers only need to manage the children’s expectations and ego through good guidance and counseling programmes.

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While speaking in Mombasa during Kenya Primary School Head Teachers Association KEPSHA’s Annual Meeting, the Chair said that secondary education is not buildings but the content.

“KESSHA welcomes the decision to anchor the junior secondary in our current primary schools. It should be understood that secondary education is not buildings but the content,” said Indimuli.

He said addressing the challenges of junior secondary is similar to challenges in secondary education.

He said that those teachers already trained in CBC who are in primary schools and are qualified to handle secondary schools content should be given the first priority to teach Grade Seven while at the same time attracting those who are yet to be employed for purposes of teaching junior secondary schools.

“Their terms of service should be similar to those currently handling the students in secondary schools to attract and develop an excellent and efficient teaching force,” said Indimuli.

He said policies should be developed to ensure infrastructure development, teaching and learning materials, and ICT integration in junior secondary given that the basic curriculum education framework has put emphasis on the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

He said there should be clear mandates and boundaries between the primary and junior secondary schools to avoid accountability challenges.

“Schools should be allowed flexibility in planning and managing the school budget to cater for areas that are not fully covered by capitation vote heads,” said Indimuli.

He said there should be a creation of an effective quality assurance and assessment system that will inform the placement of the students into different pathways and abilities in senior secondary.

He said while the government focuses on improving quality and equity for all, it should improve internal efficiencies, and build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability, and gender-sensitive to provide a safe, non-violent, inclusive, and effective learning environment for all.

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