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We Do Not Accept Primary School Teachers: KUPPET Tells KNUT Quitters, Saves KNUT

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET Chairman Omboko Milemba has cautioned teachers who quit KNUT,against joining KUPPET.

Speaking at Kapsabet CITC grounds where he was presiding over Kuppet Nandi county Branch elections, Milemba said the decision by more than 100,000 primary school teachers to quit Knut was a risky move.

“Former Knut members are not welcome to Kuppet because our membership is properly stipulated…we take post primary and technical institutions tutors only,” Milemba stressed.

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Milemba revealed that KUPPET has over 110,000 members and will not accommodate those leaving Knut.

“It would be like deciding to have one union which is against the spirit of trade unionism and beats logic the purpose of the creation of Kuppet which was to accommodate post primary and technical teachers,” Milemba added.

“Teachers who voluntarily decided to resign from their Union (KNUT), please don’t make any attempt to join us …” said Milemba.

According to Milemba, accepting such a move would make primary school teachers to displace secondary and technical institutions, who are currently holding various leadership positions in KUPPET.

KNUT had a membership of 280,000 before TSC decided to activate an online resignation platform for Knut members. Currently, out of the 350,000 teachers employed by TSC, 110,000 are KUPPET members, 13,000 are KNUT Members while the rest are unionless.

Misfortunes hit the former giant union after ODM party nominated Knut secretary general Wilson Sossion to Parliament in 2017 to represent the interests of workers. This did not go down well with the Jubilee government and teachers’ employer, TSC.

At one point, Sossion was stripped of his registration as a teacher by TSC before going to the High Court seeking reinstatement.

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