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“We will withdraw our members from these areas,” KUPPET threatens Government

The Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, has given the government seven days to address  issues of insecurity, that are faced by teachers working in high risk areas.

Should the government fail to address the insecurity, KUPPET will withdraw its members from the regions.

The regions that are regarded as high risk regions include: Kapedo, Baringo, Pokot and their environs. These regions suffer continues bandit attacks, due to myriad issues ranging from: border disputes, cattle rustling, land tussles, among others, and teachers working in those areas also become victims of the attacks.

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KUPPET elections in the said regions were not safe due to insecurity, giving the KUPPET Teams a very hard time.

KUPPET national chairman Omboko Milemba, was speaking in Siaya County, where he stressed that the role of the government is to provide security to the citizens and teachers are also citizens.

Milemba demands that the government should deploy adequate security personnel in affected areas to give teachers the confidence to continue with their work.

“We will be forced to ask the teachers service commission, to withdraw teachers from these high risk areas,” he said.

Although, teachers in such high risk areas are entitled to hardship allowance, their lives matter and cannot be sacrificed in favour of allowances. Some of the teachers who fall victims of bandit attacks are locals, though a good number of them come from other counties. Should TSC transfer them to safer areas, they will have to be delocalized.

Government has tried to solve those bandit attacks in the past, but has always failed in each attempt.

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