West pokot, Vihiga, Bungoma  County List of School Heads Retained By TSC After RETIREMENT

489 Mr. Lotupokal, Peter Daniel  C5 Headtecher  Sirkoy Primary School  West Pokot

490 Mr. Chelanga, Luka  C5 Headteacher  Sisit Primary School  West Pokot

491 Mr. Todoo, Solomon Kasotot  C5  Headteacher  Riting Primary School  West Pokot

492 Mr. Obiero, Philip  D3 Principal  Elck Riwo Mixed Sec. Sch.  West Pokot

493 Mrs. Ooko, Mary Adhiambo  D3 Principal  Chepareria Girls Sec. Sch.  West Pokot

567 Mr. Kirongo, Benjamin  C5 Headteacher  Kapchila Primary school  West Pokot

Vihiga, County List of School Heads Retained By TSC After RETIREMENT

566 Mrs. Akunja, Mary Atieno D5 Chief Principal  Bunyore Girls High School  Vihiga

480 Mr. Warutere, John Kuira  D3 Principal  Chavakali High School  Vihiga

494 Mr. Munala, Joseph Sibo  C5 Headteacher  Emurembe Primary Sch. Vihiga

495 Mrs. Nyariki, Jane Nyona  C5 Headtecher  Kaimoso Friends Pri. Sch.  Vihiga

496 Mr. Akanga, Edward Eteye  C5 Headtecher  Wandeche Special school  Vihiga

497 Mrs. Atieno, Jesca Nekos  C5 Headteacher  Emmunwa Primary school Vihiga

498 Mr. Nyongesa, Wenseslaus Simiyu  C5 Headteacher  Lwang’elle Primary School  Vihiga  499 Mr. Wangili, Potus Wafula  C5 Headteacher  Chavugami Primary school  Vihiga

500 Mr. Isaac, John Alumasa  D1 Senior Headtecher  Tsimbalo Primary school  Vihiga

501 Mr. Mukhango, Fred Silunya  C5 Headtecher  Ekamanji Primary school  Vihiga

502 Mrs. Dagaye, Hellen Adema Kamadi  D3 Principal  Bukulunya Secondry sch. Vihiga

503 Mr. Ilahalwa, Rocken Ilavatsa  D3 Principal  Bumira Secondary School  Vihiga

Bungoma  County List of School Heads Retained By TSC After RETIREMENT

521 Mr. Kibochei, Jacob Nasaba  C5 Headteacher  Kabuchai S.A. Special Sch. Bungoma

522 Mr. Mwangale, John Mutoro  C5  Headteacher  Matili R.C. Primary School Bungoma

523 Mr. Makhanu, Lupao Ronald  C5 Headtecher  Makemo R.C. Primary Sch. Bungoma

524 Mr. Kipkeny, William Gerishom  C5 Headteacher  Kimkung S.D.A Primary  Bungoma

525 Mr. Gero, Tobias Osome  C5 Headtecher  Bunambo  Bungoma

526 Mr. Walekhwa, Simon Wakhungu  C5 Headteacher  St. Michael Ndakaru Pri.  Bungoma  527 Mr. Simiyu, Benedict Wekesa  C5 Headteacher  Bungoma muslim Primary  Bungoma

528 Mr. Kibit, Patrick Kwemboi  C5  Headteacher  Kamuneru CPK Primary  Bungoma

529 Mr. Egesa, Godfrey Fred  D1 Senior Headteacher  Kitinda Primary School  Bungoma

530 Mr. Wanyonyi, Stephen Musungu  D1 Senior Headteacher  Namangofulo school  Bungoma  531 Mrs. Mayabi, Jescah Oswata  D3 Principal  Friends Secondary School  Bungoma

532 Mr. Machio, Jafetha Wafula  D3 Principal  St. Peter’s Cheptonon Sec. Bungoma

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