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What you need to know concerning teacher profile update: Frequently asked questions

With the requirement to update teacher profiles, teachers are asking several questions, whose answers are so hard to get. Below are some of the frequently asked questions with regards to teacher profile updates and their answers as provided by an official.

What is teacher profile?

This is a detailed information regarding a registered teacher as stored in TSC data base. The teacher himself gives this information while seeking registration and subsequent award of a TSC number and certificate.

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What is TSC teacher profile update?

This is the confirmation and correction of teacher details as captured in the TSC teacher database. It also involves addition of missing details and replacement of wrongly captured details with correct details. It is done online. To update your details, click here to go through the procedure.

When is the deadline for teacher profile update?

The deadline is open since TSC wants as many teachers as possible to have their details captured. Being part of current teacher registration, updating teacher profile will be a continuous process.

Is there a circular to this requirement?

No. the circular is not yet out but the online portal is already open for teachers to update their profiles. Since it is a continuation of the teacher registration process (which teachers did minus a circular), even this one may not require a circular but an action.

Are BOM teachers and intern teachers taking part in the teacher profile update task?

All registered teachers who have acquired their TSC numbers should update their teacher profiles. All intern teachers have TSC numbers thus are eligible to update their teacher profiles. Any BOM teacher with a TSC number is TSC registered and therefore is eligible for the profile update exercise.

What action will be taken against me should I fail to update my TSC teacher profile?

As at now, no punishment or punishment procedure has been designed for defaulters of this exercise. However, it is prudent that a teacher updates the profile as a proof that s/he is qualified. Looking at the requirements of certificates and transcripts which should be uploaded, it is evident that TSC is out to filter out some teachers. Failing to update your profile therefore would be translated that you don’t have the required qualifications to be teacher since your certificates will be missing in the TSC database. This may create a strong ground to filter you out.

Are there registered teachers who have been barred from updating their TSC teacher profiles?

Secondary school Teachers who scored mean grades C plain and below cannot complete their teacher profile updates. The options given in that part of the updates are grades A to C+. Such teachers therefore have no choice but to leave that space blank. You cannot proceed with a blank space.

Why the categories of teachers above are barred?

The minimum university entry grade is a C+. For diploma holders, the minimum grade is also a C+. The system might have been set to factor C+ as the minimum grade.

Is teacher profile update similar to T-Pay?

No. though both of them are TSC online services, they differ a graet deal. t-pay is the payslip portal where teachers can access their online payslips and  p-9 forms. teacher profile is teachers bio data, geographical details and education details details as captured in the teacher online portal.

What do I need to update my profile?

Everything that you need to update your profile is listed here. Click to read. Next.

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