Basic Salary Scales of TSC Senior Principals (T-scale 14) and How To Become One

Which Teacher Has Ever Been Humiliated By MINET Hospitals? TSC Asks Nyamunga

 There must be a very big misunderstanding between the Teachers’ Service Commission, TSC, and her employees. As teachers are sincerely opposing the incompetency of AON MINET, the employer has sworn to die with the multibillion medical scheme, insisting that it is the best of its kind in this region. In her defense, all those allegations that teachers experience humiliation at AON MINET clinics have no base and such claims are all lies.

Read also: Minet Is Better Than Schemes Of Other Civil Servants: Sossion Tells Nyamunga

TSC was responding to a statement petitioned by Senator Rose Nyamunga that Kenyan teachers are being humiliated under AON MINET medical cover.

Nancy Macharia stressed that AON MINET scheme does not have a daily limit on the outpatient services. “The only capping for the outpatient component is the member’s annual allocation,” said Macharia before the Senate Committee on Education.

In her own analysis, the teacher’s medical cover is better than those which are relied upon by most Kenyan and regional public workers. The scheme has a multiple range of services and the annual allocations for every principal member can cover up to over 5 dependants.

“AON MINET is one of the most comprehensive medical schemes,” she stressed to the senate committee on education.

TSC informed the committee that the scheme has more than 500 accredited facilities offering a wide scope of services not limited to; inpatient services, outpatient services, dental services, optical services, maternity services, medical emergency evacuation and specialized referrals locally and internationally, group excess of loss cover, group life and last expense cover. Macharia applauded the scheme, saying that no teacher has ever complained about claims of humiliation. In her statement, AON MINET covers well over 1.036 million lives yet teachers are only 332,000. “Why are the other beneficiaries not complaining?” she questioned

“Based on the feedback at consultative forums on the administration of the scheme and monthly meetings, additional 32 medical service providers ranging from private facilities, faith-based institutions as well as some country referral hospitals were added to the list of medical providers,” said Macharia. In her additional statement, TSC has ensured AON MINET hospitals are accredited by NHIF.

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