Lunch fee is voluntary and Permission to charge it, Ministry Warns Heads

Why Schools May Be Pushed to Start Using CBC Classrooms in May

Secondary schools may have to use Competency-Based Curriculum classrooms even before Grade Seven learners transition next year.

Kenya Secondary School Heads Association Chairman Kahi Indimuli yesterday warned of enormous challenges facing secondary schools as they prepare for Form One admission next month given an even higher number of learners expected to join.

“Normally, there are challenges with new admissions because every year the number of learners from primary school has been rising. Like now, we have 1.2 million candidates and the number of places currently available is about 880,000 created by those who left Form Four,” said Indimuli.

“Even though the classrooms that the government is building are meant for CBC, they will have to be used for now,” he added. He was speaking during the release of Form One placement results on Monday.

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At least 6,000 CBC classrooms have been constructed in the first phase, with the ministry expected to reach the 10,000 target following an allocation of Sh4 billion in the 2022/23 Financial Year.

Even though the ministry insists it has been providing funds for infrastructure development, schools still have to contend with high population of learners.According to the ministry, the National Treasury allocated Sh4.2 billion for infrastructure development in public primary and secondary schools this financial year to be used to ease the strain on facilities due to the increased enrollment.

But Indimuli said the infrastructure challenge is further compounded by non-payment of fees that has seen accumulation of arrears.Indimuli said they would seek audience with Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha to make their case on the tough conditions schools are operating in.

He said that everyone was affected by Covid-19 pandemic but there were no deliberate measures to cushion schools in the hard economic times the country is experiencing.“Principals are also parents and are happy about the cushion put by Government but as heads of schools, they were not cushioned to support them with challenges they are facing,” he explained.

Even though principals will follow the ministry directive that directed them not to send learners home over fees, Indimuli regretted that even parents who are able to pay take advantage of the situation.“Even able parents take it that since no child is sent home, they do not pay.

Schools then have accumulated debts for suppliers and parents too have arrears,” he said.Kahi Indimuli says as a result learning institutions may be forced to use CBC

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