TSC Sacks And Deregisters 50 Teachers Due To Gross Misconduct-See List

Why Senior TSC Interns and Confirmed 2020 TSC Interns Might Get their Salaries by end of January

Teachers who were recruited by the teachers’ service commission, TSC in October 2020 have just reported to their stations. Those who were recruited under internship programs in December 2020 should report on 11th January 2021. Senior interns, who never secured the October 2020 employment on permanent and pensionable terms reported on 4th January 2021.

It is a TSC policy that newly employed teachers receive their first salary after at least two months. Some even receive first salaries after six months. This is usually because TSC takes some time to amend the pay roll so as to accommodate the newly employed teachers. The sooner they get the details, the faster the amendment process.

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Among the three groups, are 2020 TSC interns who were luck to secure permanent and pensionable employment, and 2020 TSC interns, whose internship contracts have been renewed by TSC. These two groups should count themselves lucky since they may not have to wait longer to receive their salaries.

This is because they are already on pay roll. TSC will not remove them from payroll but will simply reinforce their payrolls by increasing basic salaries, adding allowances, moving them to a new tax bracket, among other amendments. All they need to do is to ensure that their casualties reach TSC headquarters as soon as possible.

TSC has worked with them and cannot delay their salaries since their salaries had been delayed in 2020, at the onset of their internship contract. Some of them even served for over eight months minus salaries and cannot be subjected to the same experience again.

A teacher can only be removed from payroll if deregistered. Being that the 2020 interns have not been deregistered but rather confirmed or have their contracts renewed, they will remain in the payroll, as their payrolls get amended.

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