Your 60% Payrise Push Unrealistic, Machogu Tell Teachers

Your 60% Payrise Push Unrealistic, Machogu Tell Teachers

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has told teachers to be realistic in their 60 percent pay rise push.

Machogu asked the teachers to consider the prevailing economic situation in the country before calling for a salary review.

“I am informed that you have already raised concerns about inflation and your CBA 2021-2025, which did not have a monetary component. I call upon your leaders to be realistic in reading the signs of the day, consult widely and ensure that all deliberations have the learners’ interests at heart,” said Machogu.

“You should bear in mind that our economy is currently in dire straits. I’m sure we will reach an agreement and move on as a country,” added Machogu in his speech, read by Nelson Sifuna, the Nyanza Regional Education Director, who represented him as the Chief guest at the 62nd KNUT Annual Delegates Conference.

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On Tuesday, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General Collins Oyuu said the union has included the renegotiation of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement and formula for delocalization as some of the concerns.

According to Oyuu, the proposal of a 60 percent salary increment across the board is based on the fact that teachers have not had a raise since 2017 despite a higher cost of living.

“It is only fair to extrapolate the annual rate of inflation over the six years which comes to 60 percent. This should be one of the resolutions of the delegates,” said Oyuu.

This was supported by Kuppet Secretary General  Akelo Misori who was among the guests at the conference.

“The 2021-2025 CBA was not implemented, so the government owes us. We won’t work for free and 2023 is not going to be easy for the (President William) Ruto government,” said Misori.

He added that the government promised to not only employ more teachers but also better remuneration.

Calvin Sifuna, TSC Legal and Industrial Relations who represented the commission CEO Nancy Macharia, also had a difficult time explaining the financial situation to the charged teachers.

He stated that since the 2021-2025 CBA was signed, he has received more than 13 letters from Oyuu demanding renegotiations.

“The demand for a meeting has been granted in the new year and we shall engage. But even as we do so let us allow our learners to continue being in class,” said Sifuna.

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