DEPLOYMENT TO TEACH IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 16 Jul 2022 03:29:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Advert For 2022 Deployment of P1 Teachers Likely To Miss As Deployment Letters Already Out Sat, 16 Jul 2022 03:29:42 +0000 Advert For 2022 Deployment of P1 Teachers Likely To Miss As Deployment Letters Already Out

Primary school teachers have begun receiving their letters of deployment to teach in high schools as the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is adopting new changes concerning deployment of P1 teachers to secondary schools.

This contradicts the usual annual advertisement done by TSC to welcome interested and successful applicants to apply for deployment to secondary schools.

It is surprising that a majority of P1 teachers are still waiting for TSC to make official advertisement for 2022 deployment of p1 teachers, yet disbursement of deployment letters has begun.

Sources have indicated that the commission is relying on its database since in the previous advert, many teachers applied but only 1000 were deployed. Further, since it is an election year, there are so many activities, leaving no time for interviews and applications, especially if most applicants will already be in the data base.

The commission some years before introduction of internship and CBC upgrade program used the same method to recruit P1 teachers in its database and those who had applied before needed not to apply. It  started to implement this policy in the year 2019 where it deploys 1,000 P1 teachers each year to teach in secondary schools.

Read also:

List Of Primary school Teachers Deployed To secondary schools

Deployment of P1 Teachers to Secondary Schools Wasn’t Advertised Because of These Reasons, TSC


Final Interview Merit Lists For TSC Recruitment-July 2021

Second Dispatch of July 2022 TSC Interview Merit Lists

Updated Merit Lists For July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

List of Applicants who have been Disqualified From Participating in July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

10-Month CBC Upgrading Training Dates For High School Teachers Released

Therefore, it will not be too hard for TSC to use it this year to deploy p1 teachers using the database of previous applicants.

TSC has a plan to deploy practicing P1 teachers, who qualify to teach in secondary school, to teach in various secondary schools with vacancies.

Despite stopping automatic promotion of teachers who upgraded their certificates in January 2014, TSC still deploys 1,000 PTE teachers each year to teach in secondary schools.

A total of 3,000 P1 graduate teachers were promoted to teach in secondary schools in the last three years.

TSC advertised 1,000 deployment posts in 2019 and another 1,000 in September 2020.The Commission advertised 1,000 more slots for deployment last year.

However, the Commission has not made public through advertisement deployment slots for this year. Primary school teachers have waited for the advert so they can start applying.

TSC was engaged in talks with officials of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) last week on Wednesday till Friday.

Knut led by its secretary general Collins Oyuu was pushing the Commission to allow primary school teachers who acquired higher academic qualification through in-service training to teach in junior secondary.

Knut demanded that TSC allows primary school teachers with degree in secondary option but C (plain) in KCSE to be promoted to teach in those schools.

Further, Knut wants TSC to recognize PTE teachers with Diploma in secondary option during deployment exercise.
