desks – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:57:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ministry of Education Dispatches First Batch Of Desks, As Magoha Warns Teachers Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:57:02 +0000 Ministry of Education Dispatches First Batch Desks, As Magoha Warns Teachers

Selected Public schools have begun receiving the locally fabricated desks amid a sharp spike in Covid-19 new cases, which has extended school reopening dates to January 2021.

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In what seems like a phased distribution of the locally made furniture, the pioneer schools to receive the desks were schools in Vihiga County. Locally fabricated desks were transported to selected schools within Vihiga County on Monday 9th November 2020. The head teachers of the schools confirmed receipt of the lockers and chairs. They jointly appreciated the efforts by the minister of education to fulfill his promise that the desks would be in schools by Friday 13th November 2020.

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The desks were assembled, following President Kenyatta’s directive to promote local industries in the new economic stimulus programme.A total of ksh. 1.9 has been used to assemble the desks, at various polytechniques country wide. Apart from promoting the local fabricating industries, the president was determined to award tenders to the jua kali artisans so as to cushion them from the painful bites of covid-19.

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Making of those desks was part of the government’s plans for safe reopening of learning institutions. Additional desks to schools would ensure that the 1.5 m distance is strictly adhered to in classrooms.

By Friday, all the selected schools in various counties in Kenya will have received the desks designed for their students.

Through his twitter handle, Magoha confirmed,” By next week Friday, all the desks and chairs (procured by the government) will be delivered to schools. Quality assurance officers to conduct inspection to ensure the products delivered are quality to match ksh. 1.9 billion that the government set aside.”

Unscrupulous Teachers

However, Magoha sternly warned unscrupulous officials and teachers, who were planning to divert quality of desks for selfish interests.” I have learnt regrettably that a few unscrupulous officers are colluding with a few teachers to split delivery and take some elsewhere,” Magoha noted. Magoha’s ministry will not sympathize with teachers and education officials if found culpable.

“Every desk made shall go to the child in the designated public school. We will not be sympathetic to anyone or handle with gloves those who steal from children and I warn them in broad day light,” added Magoha as he targeted teachers and education officials.

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Migori teachers were not spared in the mix.” Those teachers in Migori area, who together with some education officers think they are smarter than the government, I give them 24 hours to reverse the process that they are trying to do and ensure the desks go to the appropriate schools or we shall arrest them. We are not going to argue with anybody.”

All Public Schools To Receive Desks This Week As Magoha Warns Unscrupulous Teachers Mon, 09 Nov 2020 06:01:30 +0000 All Public Schools To Receive Desks This Week As Magoha Warns Unscrupulous Teachers

Education cabinet secretary professor George Magoha has confirmed that all public schools in Kenya will receive additional desks by Friday this week. He added that the jua Kali artisans contracted to make the desks are in the final stages and that they have done an excellent job.

Read also: ‘Wewe Ni Mjinga Kabisa,’ Magoha Publicly Insults A CDE

Through his twitter handle, Magoha confirmed,” By next week Friday, all the desks and chairs (procured by the government) will be delivered to schools. Quality assurance officers to conduct inspection to ensure the products delivered are quality to match ksh. 1.9 billion that the government set aside.”

The procurement of additional desks was part of President Kenyatta’s plan to enhance 1.5m distance in classrooms, ahead of school reopening. The 1.9M contract was awarded to jua Kali artisans country wide, in a move to promote local industries under the economic stimulus programme.

Unscrupulous Teachers

However, Magoha sternly warned unscrupulous officials and teachers, who were planning to divert quality of desks for selfish interests.” I have learnt regrettably that a few unscrupulous officers are colluding with a few teachers to split delivery and take some elsewhere,” Magoha noted. Magoha’s ministry will not sympathize with teachers and education officials if found culpable.

“Every desk made shall go to the child in the designated public school. We will not be sympathetic to anyone or handle with gloves those who steal from children and I warn them in broad day light,” added Magoha as he targeted teachers and education officials.

Migori teachers were not spared in the mix.” Those teachers in Migori area, who together with some education officers think they are smarter than the government, I give them 24 hours to reverse the process that they are trying to do and ensure the desks go to the appropriate schools or we shall arrest them. We are not going to argue with anybody.”
