how – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 23 May 2020 10:55:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Apply for TVET HELB loan in 2020 and get Maximum Disbursement Wed, 06 May 2020 10:14:54 +0000 How to Apply for TVET HELB loan in 2020 and get Maximum Disbursement

Students pursuing courses with diploma and certificate options in technical and vocational education training centres are not forgotten in the loan products of the higher education loans board, HELB. It is therefore their fundamental right to apply for HELB loan so as to subsidize their hiked fees. However, those learners who are not sponsored by our government only get the HELB loan in their school accounts as fees. They get no HELB in their personal student accounts as pocket money. Whichever way, getting above 70,000 shillings HELB loan per year towards your school fees is a very big milestone towards comfortably completing that diploma or certificate course of your imagination.

Requirements For Those Applying HELB loan For the First Time

  • Photocopy of your identity Card
  • Photocopy of your birth certificate.
  • Photocopies if identity cards of your parents or their valid death certificates if they had passed on.
  • Photocopies of the identity cards of your guarantors
  • Photocopy of your letter of admission to the university or preferred college.
  • Photocopy of your Kenya certificate of secondary education or just a result slip
  • Functional account number.
  • Photocopy of your bank plate or ATM card.
  • A coloured passport sized photograph

If you have all those required materials, you can apply for your HELB loan very easily using your computer or mobile phone.


Step 1

Open the browser in your phone or laptop. If you are using a mobile phone, chrome is the best browser for you since it can open virtually any window in the portal

Step 2

On the search area of your browser, type  and search. If you are ready to do it now, just click on the link and proceed. For those who do not have HELB accounts, you can create one by using the procedure here . you can also reach this HELB portal once you are on the HELB website.

Step 3

Enter your email address and your password then log in. On your HELB account, there are several HELB loan products. Select the relevant one you are applying for. If you are going for a degree course for instance, select first time TVET HELB loan application.

You may be asked several financial and commitment questions, which you must answer before proceeding.Find the HELB financial literacy questions here.

Step 4

Once you are through, you can begin your application process. You will fill in your personal data and save them. You will then proceed to your education details from primary to secondary (name of the institution, location and marks/grades obtained). Thereafter, you will enter your university details (name, course, course duration and registration number), followed by details of your siblings.

The next tab will be about details of your parents (names, identity numbers, KRA Pins, and contacts). If one or both parents had passed on, you will have to indicate and prove with photocopies of death certificates.

You will then give an estimate of your family budget in the next tab. The next tab is about details of your guarantors. You need 2 guarantors who have national identity cards, pin numbers and employment details.

In the next tab, you will fill your Bank details. Ensure that all the details are filled correctly and truly, each time saving before proceeding to the next tab. You will then submit your HELB loan details and print 2 copies of your HELB form.

See also:  How to Apply for First time undergraduate HELB loan in 2020 and get Maximum Disbursement

Step 5

Sign both HELB forms and take them to the guarantors, chief and priest/kadhi for signing. The magistrate should be the last person to sign your form and remember here you may part with some little fee.

Step 6

Keep one copy of the HELB form. On the other form, attach all the required documents as indicated in the very last page of the form. Submit this form to your nearest Huduma Centre or to the HELB offices at anniversary towers, Nairobi.

How to Apply for First time undergraduate HELB loan in 2020 and get Maximum Disbursement Wed, 06 May 2020 05:58:55 +0000 For undergraduate students, HELB offers two products; first time loan application for all those who have never made any application before or all those joining first year and second/ subsequent loan application for those joining second year, third year and fourth year.

Requirements For Those Applying For the First Time

  • Photocopy of your identity Card
  • Photocopy of your birth certificate.
  • Photocopies if identity cards of your parents or their valid death certificates if they had passed on.
  • Photocopies of the identity cards of your guarantors
  • Photocopy of your letter of admission to the university or preferred college.
  • Photocopy of your Kenya certificate of secondary education or just a result slip
  • Functional account number.
  • Photocopy of your bank plate or ATM card.
  • A coloured passport sized photograph

If you have all those required materials, you can apply HELB  very easily using your computer or mobile phone.


Step 1

Open the browser in your phone or laptop. If you are using a mobile phone, chrome is the best browser for you since it can open virtually any window in the portal

Step 2

On the search area of your browser, type  and search. If you are ready to do it now, just click on the link and proceed. For those who do not have HELB accounts, you can create one by using the procedure here . you can also reach this portal once you are on the HELB website.

Step 3

Enter your email address and your password then log in. On your HELB account, there are several HELB loan products. Select the relevant one you are applying for. If you are going for a degree course for instance, select first time undergraduate loan application.

You may be asked several financial and commitment questions, which you must answer before can read the HELB  financial literacy questions here

Step 4

Once you are through, you can begin your HELB application process. You will fill in your personal data and save them. You will then proceed to your education details from primary to secondary (name of the institution, location and marks/grades obtained). Thereafter, you will enter your university details (name, course, course duration and registration number).

The next tab will be about details of your parents (names, identity numbers, KRA Pins, and contacts). If one or both parents had passed on, you will have to indicate and prove with photocopies of death certificates.

You will then give an estimate of your family budget in the next tab, followed by details of your siblings. The next tab is about details of your guarantors. You need 2 guarantors who have national identity cards, pin numbers and employment details.

In the next tab, you will fill your Bank details. Ensure that all the details are filled correctly and truly, each time saving before proceeding to the next tab. You will then submit your details and print 2 copies of your form.

Step 5

See also: Subject Combinations With the Lowest Employability Rates

Sign both forms and take them to the guarantors, chief and priest/kadhi for signing. The magistrate should be the last person to sign your form and remember here you may part with some little fee.

Step 6

Keep one copy of the form. On the other form, attach all the required documents as indicated in the very last page of the form. Submit this form to your nearest Huduma Centre or to the HELB offices at anniversary towers, Nairobi.

How to cook kales (Sukuma wiki) for Ulcer patients Tue, 05 May 2020 06:45:03 +0000 Patients suffering from gastric ulcers are advised to take a lot of observation in their diet. They are warned against several foods, most of them being acidic. Kales, commonly known as Sukuma wiki, are among the foods they should eat in moderation. But the biggest question is, how can one survive without kales? And the answer is no way. That answer is attributed to the fact that Sukuma wiki is the most available and the cheapest among all greens. In terms of health, it has a myriad of health benefits ranging from provision of fibers to protection through vitamins A and C.

There are kales specifically engineered for people with ulcers, though as a consumer, you may just buy anything you meet in the market. Whichever way, any Sukuma wiki can be prepared in such a manner that even patients suffering from ulcers eat it without any secondary side effects presently, or in the future.

Preparation of Sukuma Wiki for 3 Ulcer Patients


20 Sukuma wiki leaves

1 bulb of onions

1 grain of ginger

20ml of cooking oil

1 table spoon of salt

2 ripe sizeable tomatoes


1. Wash the leaves with enough water and slash them into thin strands in a small trough

2. Chop the tomatoes into a dish.

3. Chop the ginger and onions in one dish.

4. Put your desired sufuria or cooking pan on the source of heat and add oil. Heat for 3 minutes.

5. Add the mixture of onions and garlic and stir till the mixture assumes a brown colour.

6. Add the tomatoes and continue stirring till a red aromatic paste is formed.

7. Add salt as the stirring continues.

8. Put all the Sukuma wiki and stir for 1 minute.

9. Serve with your favorite carbohydrate and stew.

Must read: How to make your own local Hand Sanitizer in one step


Use the amount of oil specified for too much oil is dangerous for an ulcer and hypertensive patients.

Ginger is included in the diet since it contains chemical substances that kill H. pylori bacteria, which causes stomach also neutralizes the acid in the kales and in the stomach, since its extract is basic.

How to make your own local Hand Sanitizer in one step Tue, 05 May 2020 04:35:51 +0000 How to make a sanitizer is a question most people want answered right now, especially during these difficult times caused by COVID-19. For lower income earning households, hand sanitizers have never been Basic until the outbreak of a pandemic that is corona virus. However, with or with no COVID, hand sanitizers still remain the simplest and most efficient option of strangling unknown germs that we interact with on a day to day basis.

Economically, purchasing factory made sanitizers weekly can leave one in poverty and hunger. It is therefore wise to learn how to make some of these items yourself. The advantage of making them is that you can command the quantities that you need at a very low prize.

To make a local hand sanitizer, you need the following: Ethanol of about 95% cc, aloe vera leaves and lemon juice or citric acid crystals.

If you are a consumer of alcohol, just try not to taste this one. 95% cc can kill you, if not leaving you blind.

To start off, you must first make a gel from aloe vera leaves. The leaves can be gotten from a botanical garden in towns and from the bush in the villages.

Procedure of Making an Aloe- Gel

1. Wash the leaves with a lot of water to remove any soil particles, then put them in an upright position for 12 minutes to rid that mucous like jelly.

2. Wash the leaves again to remove the remaining mucous like jelly.

3. Peel the green back of the leaves and gently extract the gel using a spoon, into a blender, avoiding the skin particles.

4. Once you have gotten the quantity you want, (2 parts of alcohol to 1 part of aloe-gel is the ratio), Connect your blender to a power source and turn it on. A liquid froth of the gel is formed after one minute.

If you are intending to use the gel later than a week, it is good that you preserve it in refrigerator or just locally by adding 500 mg of citric acid crystals or a table spoon of lemon juice.

We can now proceed to our hand sanitizer using the steps below. The procedure gives direction on how to make 750ml of sanitizer though you can custom it to fit the quantity that you want.

Procedure of Making the Hand Sanitizer

1. Measure 500ml of 95% ethanol into a container. Add 250ml of aloe gel and shake the mixture thoroughly.

2. Add a table spoon of lemon juice or citric acid crystals. This is acting as a preservative


1. Your hands must be washed thoroughly throughout the entire process.

2. The back of aloe leaves should at no time find their way into the blender. They contain a chemical substance that can irritate your skin.

3. Ensure you stick to the formula ratio of 2:1.

4. Do not add water to the ethanol.

5. Do not drink the ethanol or the prepared sanitizer.
