Mbololo village – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 07 Dec 2020 05:41:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Police Vehicle Knocks Down A Pupil While over speeding with Kenyans who Lacked Masks-Watch Video https://elimupedia.com/police-vehicle-knocks-down-a-pupil-accident-while-over-speeding-with-kenyans-who-lacked-masks-watch-video.html Mon, 07 Dec 2020 05:41:24 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1718 Police Vehicle Knocks Down A Pupil While over speeding with Kenyans who Lacked Masks-watch video

Drama and grief ensued at Mbololo village in Voi  sub county, Taita Taveta county when a police vehicle allegedly knocked down and seriously injured a ten year old girl on the evening of 7th December 2020.

The police vehicle, with registration number GK 282 T was over speeding while illogically congested with residents of Mbololo village, who were arrested for not wearing masks. The arrested residents were being ferried hurriedly to Voi police station.

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The Mbololo incident is not the first time the uniformed men are harassing residents for not wearing masks. Across the country during this pandemic, it has become a norm for police men to arrest Kenyans any howly for not wearing masks. A section of those who have been victims claim that they are even arrested while walking alone in the road or when they are within their door steps in market centres.

click here to watch video.

The shocking bit is that those arrested are not taken to court as expected. They are stuffed in congested rooms and coerced to ‘defend’ themselves with bribes, or call their people to come with money to rescue them.

Each person arrested by the police for failing to wear masks pay at least ksh. 2000 to get freedom.  They care not whether you are a child or an adult. The vehicle drops the culprits at the police station and another team of policemen leave the station with the same vehicle to seek more culprits to loot from. On average, the police vehicle makes at least 10 trips a day, carrying about 15 culprits.

“It is true that walking without masks endangers our lives. But being congested in a police vehicle and getting stuffed in a small room at police stations is even more deadlier during these  pandemic times,” said one of the residents at Mbololo village.

click here to watch video.

The angry villagers almost lynched the police officers for what they termed alleged harassment that has left a minor unconscious. The child was rushed to the hospital and is being attended to.

Kenyans feel that the government policy on masks should be banned since police officers do not even understand the circumstances under which masks should be worn. “Any government policy is a milking cow for the police. What makes them think they are the only ones who are suffering and that they are life’s most special?” asked a disappointed resident.

click here to watch video.

The residents observed that in their pretense to enforce MOH guidelines, police are killing more people than covid-19.
