Qualifications for KMTC certificate courses – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Fri, 12 Jun 2020 09:52:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Certificate Courses Offered at KMTC and Their Qualifications https://elimupedia.com/certificate-courses-offered-at-kmtc-and-their-qualifications.html https://elimupedia.com/certificate-courses-offered-at-kmtc-and-their-qualifications.html#comments Fri, 12 Jun 2020 09:52:17 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1063 Certificate course offered at KMTC and their qualifications

The Kenya medical training college, KMTC, offers a variety of certificate courses. This is to ensure that as many people as possible are not left out in pursuance of health-related courses. The world today is in dire demand for medics, and KMTC has responded in time to that demand by providing courses that holders of C- and below, who do not qualify for diploma courses, can pursue. Those who complete their various certificate courses successfully, automatically qualify for  corresponding diploma courses.

Below are the certificate courses offered at various KMTC campuses across the country.

You can check the fee structure here and the list of campuses here. 

Programme Qualification
Orthopaedical & Trauma technology cert.


C- overall grade, C- In Eng/ Kisw, & D+ in Bio/ Biological Science.

D+ in either: Phyc/Physical Science, Chem, Math, Wood work, Metalwork, Technical/Drawing, HomeScience, Agriculture

Health Records &Information Tech. cert


overall  Grade C-, C- in Eng/ Kisw, D in Bio/Biological Science.

D- in Math and   D+ in either: Phyc   /   Physical   Science, Chem, General Science, Comp Studies, Agric, Home Science, Geog, and BUST

Health Records and Information Tech. certificate (In service programme


overall grade D+, with D+ in   Eng/ Kisw, D- in   Math.      Work exp. of 2 yrs in a Dept. of Health Records & Information tech, Recommendation document from Health Records and Information tech. Officer in charge & appointment Letter to your present position.
Kenya Enrolled Community Health Nursing certificate overall  grade C-, C- in Kisw/Eng & Bio/ Biological Sciences.

D+ in either: Chem/ Physical Science / Phyc / Math

Public Health certificate course overall  Grade C-, C- in Eng/Kisw, D+ in Bio / Biological   Science, D in Math and;

D in either: Home Science, Phyc, Chem, Agric, Building & Construction, Technical/ Drawing, Elec or WoodWork

Nutrition & Dietary science course overall  Grade D+, with D+ in Eng/  Kisw and Bio or Biological Science, D in Chem/ Physical Science

D in either: Phyc /  Math / General  Science / Home Science / Agric / BUST

Community Health Assistance certificate overall  Grade C-,  D+ in Eng/ Kisw, D+  in  Bio/ Biological  science

D in either; Math,Chem,Phyc/ Physical Science Foundation   course in Community Health

Certificate in Health Promotions for the hearing impaired (strictly for the deaf)


overall  Grade D+,  D+ in Eng/Kisw /KSL, D in Bio and  D either:  Math/ Chem
Medical Engineering   and Technology cert.



overall Grade C, C in Eng / Kisw & C in  Math & Phyc/ Physical  Science

C- in either: Bio/ Biological  Science,   Chem,  Elect, Metal Work & TD

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