SACC RANKING – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Fri, 21 Jan 2022 03:52:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mwalimu National SACCO Ranked best In New SASRA Ranking Fri, 21 Jan 2022 03:52:08 +0000 Mwalimu National SACCO Ranked best In New SASRA Ranking

Sacco society registration authority, SASRA, has released a new ranking for the best SACCOS in Kenya. Out of the 35 saccos, ranked, Mwalimu national sacco emerged the best. The ranking was based on assets and quality of services and products.

Top 35 SACCOS In Kenya 2022

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New: Lists Of December 2021 TSC Promoted Teachers Per County

Name of DT 5acco Assets in Billions 2021 Assets in Billions 2019
1 MWALIMU NATIONAL 57.73 52.03
2 STIMA DT 41.05 36.53
3 KENYA POLICE 39.05 34.82
4 HARAMBEE 32.56 29.53
5 AFYA 19.38 19.05
6 METROPOLITAN 16.73 15.15
7 UNAITAS5 16.57 14.23
8 IMARISHA 14.16 12.36
9 UNITED NATIONS 14.08 12.37
10 TOWER 13.73 11.16
11 UKULIMA 12.74 11.91
12 INVEST &GROW IG} 10.48 9.48
13 GUSD MWALIMU 10.44 9.44
14 BANDARI 10.01 9.48
15 HAZINA 9.69 8.48
16 IMARIKA 9.34 8.62
17 MENTOR 8.92 7.94
18 KENYA BANKERS 8.58 8.35
19 NEWFORTIS 8.18 7.34
20 BORESHA 7.94 7.31
21 KIMISITU* 7.66 6.91
22 SAFARICOM 7.47 6.69
23 WINAS 7.13 6.20
24 COSMOPOLITAN 6.95 6.14
25 SHERIA 6.72 6.03
26 TRANS NATION 6.62 5.11
27 MOMBASA PORTS 6.57 6.03
28 KITUI TEACHERS 6.2 5.61
29 MAGEREZA b.33 6.06
30 BINGWA 6.21 5.82
31 OLLIN 6.02 5.28
32 SOLUTION 5.64 5.22
33 WAUMINI 5.26 4.85
34 NACICO 5.13 4.96
35 USHURU 4,85 4.25

