SCHOOL BUSES – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 02 Aug 2021 02:59:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Magoha To Face Summon Over Ban On Hiring Of School Buses Mon, 02 Aug 2021 02:58:16 +0000 Magoha To Be Summoned Over Ban On Hiring Of School Buses

A section of legislators has sworn to summon Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha over his ban on hiring of school buses for private functions. In almost all cases, the school buses are usually hired by those attending funerals or weddings at a fee. Hiring of school buses therefore is an income generating activity for most schools, both in towns and in villages.

Seven MPs from have maintained that CS Magoha has no control over the buses because most of them were bought through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and not input from the ministry. They MPs have asked Magoha to stop engaging in school bus discussions as they have not seen his input in the matter.

The politicians, who include;  Ben Momanyi (Borabu), Joash Nyamoko (North Mugirango), Alpha Miruka (Bomachoge Chache), Silvanus Osoro (South Mugirango), Vincent Kemosi (West Mugirango), Ezekiel Machogu (Nyaribari Masaba) and Jerusha Momanyi (Nyamira woman rep) have promised to summon Prof Magoha next week.

Momanyi said the Education and Research committee, in which she serves as a member, will summon CS Magoha to explain the ban.

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“When we resume our sittings, the Education Committee in which Prof Ogutu and I sit will demand explanations from the CS,” said the Nyamira woman rep.

Momanyi further said that the proposal to have ministers drawn from the political class as stated in the Building Bridges Initiative will help tame such “poor” policies.

“We want ministers to be politicians because Magoha would have understood better what these buses mean to the community,” said Momanyi, who has bought more than 20 buses.

North Mugirango MP Joash Nyamoko said the buses have helped spur development and put rural and urban schools at bar.

“The CS is speaking from an uninformed point. We are opposed to such policies which are oppressive to the community,” said the North Nyamoko.

Miruka argued that the eight buses he has bought through the CDF and belong to the community since in some cases, fundraisers were conducted to procure the buses.

“Our communities have benefitted a lot from these buses so it is not wise to ban them from using them,” said Miruka.

Stop Hiring School Buses For Non-Academic Activities, Magoha Cautions School Heads Sat, 31 Jul 2021 16:14:15 +0000 Stop Hiring School Buses For Non-Academic Activities, Magoha Cautions School Heads

Education CS George Magoha has warned principals against hire of school buses for non-academic activities in bid to combat spread of Covid-19.

Magoha said some administrators are permitting the use of school buses for purposes unrelated to academic-related functions.

“Further, some of the schools are failing to comply with Ministry of Health Guidelines on social distancing in motor vehicles, thereby exposing learners to the dangers of Covid-19,” he said.

“The Ministry is, therefore, notifying all school administrators and Boards of Management to use school buses exclusively for academic-related purposes.”

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Magoha said they should desist from hiring out the vehicles for other purposes.

“In transporting learners, administrators must ensure that all Ministry of Health measures of combating Covid-19 are strictly adhered to,” he said.

He asked parents and guardians to ensure transportation for Form One learners who will be reporting to schools from Monday, August 2, 2021.

“Firm action will be taken against individuals or groups found to be flouting the directives on use of school buses,” he said.

In most cases, the school buses are hired by people going to funerals and weddings at a fee.

This depends on the capacity of the vehicle.

Taking people to funerals and not fumigating them subject teachers and children to Covid-19 disease.
