T-PAY PROFILES – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 14 Jul 2022 03:55:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Punishments Set For Teachers Who Fail To Update T-Pay Profiles By Tomorrow https://elimupedia.com/punishments-set-for-teachers-who-fail-to-update-t-pay-profiles-by-tomorrow.html Thu, 14 Jul 2022 03:55:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8125 Punishments Set For Teachers Who Fail To Update T-Pay Profiles By Tomorrow

Teachers who will not meet the deadline for updating their T-PAY profiles will face undesirable consequences, which have been set by the teachers’ service commission, TSC.

The commission last month instructed all teachers and the secretariat staff to update their T- Pay details by 15th July 2022, meaning that the target group has only today to comply to TSC directive.

Data shows that most of the teachers are yet to complete their T-Pay profile verification with a majority claiming that they are having problems with e-mail validation.

A section of teachers has also complained of non-cooperative TSC ICT County officers who will not attend to their queries, but insist on serving heads who come later than them. On their part, some of the officers have responded that they have too much work to handle for teachers in the whole county.

Read also:

Second Dispatch of July 2022 TSC Interview Merit Lists

Updated Merit Lists For July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

List of Applicants who have been Disqualified From Participating in July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

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Heads Who Fail To Validate Teachers’ TPAY accounts Within 30 Days To Be Punished

According to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, the exercise aims at protecting its employees from fraudsters since it will enhance security features of its various systems.

She maintained that the TPAY system handles teachers and secretariat Pay slips, P9 statements, Control sheets, Third Party transactions, application and approval of Loans process.

According to TSC, it is the duty of the heads of institution to verify and approve the profile of teachers under their supervision.

The implication of this is that teachers TPay profile validation is not complete until the school head approves the details.

The heads’ profiles will be verified and approved by the Sub-County Directors (for head teachers of primary institution) and County Directors (for heads of post primary institutions).

The Commission through a circular said that the heads of institutions who will not have validated the particulars of teachers under their supervision within the stipulated time, will together with their teachers have restricted to their T-Pay accounts.

Consequently, the teachers will be barred from processing loans or any third-party transaction. The teachers will also not be able to access their pay slips. Further, non-compliant teachers will never file their KRA returns for any year since they will be denied access to their p9 forms.

Some counties have also threatened to issue show cause letters to non-compliant teachers.

Intern teachers need to download a copy of the latest payslip to use as evidence in the upcoming TSC recruitment interviews, implying that they have to comply with the T-pay directive.

TSC has also stated clearly that school heads will be liable for incomplete TPay portals in their schools, meaning that they have to push their teachers to ensure they abide by the TSC requirements.
