TSC DATA BANK – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 02 Aug 2022 06:18:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Future Teacher Recruits To be Extracted From an Existing Data Bank of Unemployed Teachers https://elimupedia.com/future-teacher-recruits-to-be-extracted-from-an-existing-data-bank-of-unemployed-teachers.html Tue, 02 Aug 2022 06:18:48 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8563 Future Teacher Recruits To be Extracted From an Existing Data Bank of Unemployed Teachers

The teachers Service Commission (TSC) has fresh plans to create a data bank that will have all the interviewed teachers for secondary schools. This data bank is targeting to guide TSC in replacing teachers who will exit the service in future, starting with the 2022/2023 Financial Year. The data bank will also help in future recruitments since those in the data bank will have to be employed before new adverts are made for those who are not in the data bank.

From the list of five (5) shortlisted and interviewed candidates in each vacancy in every secondary school that had an interview, the School Selection panel which, commonly known as the Board of Management, will be required to develop a vacancy specific merit list, which will be submitted to TSC county director to inform deployment of a teacher with similar subject combinations in other contexts.

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According to the guidelines for recruitment of post-primary teachers on permanent and pensionable terms, given under Circular No.9/2022 dated June 30,2022 released by the Commission’s Secretary and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr.Nancy Macharia,the merit list shall be used in TSC subsequent and similar recruitments in the County.

“The Merit List shall be used in the subsequent recruitment processes involving a similar vacancy in the County within the financial year or as directed by the Commission from time to time,” said Dr.Macharia in the Circular.

What this means is that that any future recruitment within 2022/2023 Financial Year that is between July 2022 and June 2023, priority will be given to those already in the data bank; without necessarily TSC having to conduct a fresh hiring exercise as it has been in the recent past. This has also been seen as a move by the Commission to cut on the recruitment cost whenever such vacancies occur.

The implication is that those who were shortlisted and attended the just ended recruitment interviews will automatically be considered for employment when TSC will be conducting any replacement of teachers who will have quit due to natural attrition.

The guidelines given after developing the vacancy specific merit list instruct that the school selection panels submit the list to TSC Sub-County Directors, who will submit the list for compilation of subjects specific merit list to the County Directors. This information will be used to generate a databank for the County, which shall be used to fill subject specific vacancies in subsequent recruitment processes within the Financial Year.

The names in the School selection panel’s vacancy specific merit list which is used to develop subjects specific merit list data bank is derived from the five shortlisted applicants for every vacancy advertised, which was generated from TSC system generated applicant’s list.

The TSC County Director shall then be required to forward the subject specific merit list to the Regional Director who will compile the regional subject specific merit lists for onward submission to TSC Director Staffing at the Headquarters.

“This data bank of interviewed candidates shall be used to replace those exiting service within the Financial Year. The subject specific data bank shall be used to fill vacancies arising from the County, Region and nationally within the Financial Year, “said Macharia.

The Commission notes further that where candidates are exhausted from the subject specific County data bank, replacement shall be done using the Regional data bank; and where candidates are exhausted within a region, vacancies shall be filled using the Subject Specific National data bank.
