APPROVED LIST OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 27 Aug 2022 03:42:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relief For Private School Parents Over Ongoing Junior Secondary School Selection Exercise Sat, 27 Aug 2022 03:42:57 +0000 Relief For Private School Parents Over Ongoing Junior Secondary School Selection Exercise

Parents with Grade 6 children in private schools will now breathe a sigh of relief. This follows the ministry of education’s declaration that they might not have to select other junior secondary schools.

Additionally, a majority of private schools have chosen to retain Grade 6 learners so that they transit to Grade 7 in the same institution, after an initial directive by Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha.

Read also:

Final  List Of Approved Private Junior Secondary Schools Per County

Final List of Public Junior Secondary Schools

Final  List of Primary schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of national schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of Regional Junior Junior Secondary schools

Final List of county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of sub-county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final   List Of Junior Secondary Schools Per County

During the commissioning Competency Based Curriculum classrooms at the Moi Education Centre, Magoha urged the school management to retain learners.

“I urge private schools, in your own capacity, to proceed with Grade 6 learners to junior secondary,” he said.

Moi Education Centre principal Eunice Muthusi confirmed that they will retain learners, a plan which will create more space for newcomers.

“We are moving with the learners to Grade 7. We have nine classes and 12 laboratories for the same,” confirmed Muthusi.

The portal for junior secondary selection, which was opened on August 15, will be closed on August 30.

A Machakos based private school has invited Grade 6 parents for a meeting on Monday, in which the modalities of retaining grade six learners will be discussed.

“The school wants us to have our children proceed to Grade 7 in the same school that’s why they want a meeting,” a parent from the school revealed.

Other private schools in various countries are also engaging parents in various discussions, with a view of retaining the learners in grade 7.

Another school in Nairobi county is planning to meet parents to negotiate school fees.

The institution said most parents are not willing to remove their children from that school.

“My daughter is already used to going to that school and she is still young, I don’t want her to change the environment,” another parent said.

According to the Basic Education Curriculum Framework, learners in Grade 7 are around 11 to 12 years.

Magoha advised parents to select schools which are closer home, so that learners become day scholars.

Below are the categories of junior secondary schools and the number of schools each candidate should select, as per the guidelines given by the ministry of education and knec.

  1. two national schools (click to see list of national Junior secondary schools)
  2. two regional schools. (Click to see list of regional junior secondary schools)
  3. two county schools (click to see list of county junior secondary schools)
  4. four sub county schools (click to see list of sub-county junior secondary schools)
  5. two private schools of their choice (click to see list of private junior secondary schools)