basic education statistical booklet 2019 – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 15 May 2021 02:59:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Basic education statistics Show that female teachers are more qualified than male counter parts Sat, 15 May 2021 02:59:17 +0000 Basic education statistics Show that female teachers are more qualified than male counter parts

Statistics from the basic education department have revealed that women teachers are more qualified compared to their male counterparts.

As per the basic education statistical booklet 2019,which was released this week, the number of female teachers with PHD degree in both public primary and secondary schools were found to be higher than that of men. Out of the five teachers with PhD in public primary schools, four were female while only one was male. In public secondary schools, three teachers with PHD were female while only one was male.

According to the booklet, public primary schools had more teachers with PhD compared to public secondary schools.

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In masters and bachelor’s degree qualifications, the same trend was revealed. 289 and 9315 female teachers in public primary schools have bachelor’s degree and master’s degree qualifications respectively against 187 and 8576 male teachers with bachelor’s degree and master’s degree respectively.

At secondary level, more male teachers have masters, post graduate diploma in education and bachelor’s degree compared to their female counter parts. Out of the 1916 teachers in secondary schools with master’s degree, only 893 were female while the rest were male. Among the 15 teachers with post graduate diploma in education in 2019, nine were male while six were female. For bachelor’s degree in education, 59074 teachers out of 99625 were male while the rest were female.

In primary schools, a total of 24606 teachers had diploma qualifications, out of which 13043 were female while 11561 were male. 175712 teachers had P1 qualifications, which have since been faced by the government, out of which 91419 were female while the rest male.

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In secondary schools, 3614 teachers had diploma qualifications, out of which 1951 were female while the rest male. Further, the report indicates that in 2019, there were 52780 teachers in public preprimary schools, 218,760 teachers in public primary schools and 105, 234 teachers in public secondary schools.

With 100% transition introduced in 2018, there exists a teacher shortage of more than 30,000 teachers, meaning more teachers will be hired in the next financial year to cater for the CBA implementation.

