COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 19 Jul 2022 03:08:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KNUT to Teachers: Remain Calm as We Engage TSC For Better Pay Tue, 19 Jul 2022 03:08:11 +0000 KNUT to Teachers: Remain Calm as We Engage TSC For Better Pay

The Kenya national union of Teachers (KNUT) has asked teachers to practice patience as it engages the teachers service commission (TSC) to ensure that classroom teachers are favoured in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Assistant KNUT national treasurer Kennedy Nyamwanda has urged TSC, the ministries of Education and Labour to ensure that teachers welfare are catered. He also revealed that classroom teachers have a good deal in the just ended KNUT-TSC talks and all the teachers can do is to embrace a little patience as they iron out some issues before making public, the outcomes of the talks.

The unionist was speaking at Sikusi in Kabuchai constituency on Saturday during the burial of former Bungoma Central Knut executive secretary Fred Sichangi.

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He said the last agreement that was inked by TSC and Knut did not favour the classroom teachers, adding that this time the classroom teacher will be favoured in a deal that is yet to be signed by the TSC and other stakeholders.

“AS a Knut official, I am unhappy how teachers are being treated. They are working in an unfair environment, and that is why I have taken an initiative as their leader to make noise so that their grievances are addressed,” the unionist said.

Nyamwanda urged teachers to remain calm and back Knut efforts in fighting for their interests nationally.

“I want all teachers to rally behind Knut to ensure that every teacher is aware of what is going on and ensure that their demands are sorted,” he said.

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