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Details of Last Week’s KNUT-TSC Meeting

Details of last week’s discussion between the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) and that of Teachers Service Commission (TSC) have been revealed.

A senior KNUT official has come out to clear on the discussions, to avoid unnecessary anxiety that may rise among the members.

Knut Deputy secretary general Hesbon Otieno has confirmed that the talks on salary increment and issues affecting teachers were discussed and concluded.

“I can pronounce here that we had a cordial discussion that ended on Friday and that we have successfully concluded our meeting with TSC,” said Otieno.

Knut led by secretary general Collins Oyuu engaged with TSC last week for a possible deal that will see teachers enjoy a payrise by end of july.

Among other issues Knut engaged with TSC is the contentious issue of Teacher Professional Development (TPD)training and promotion of primary school teachers to teach in junior secondary as well as promotion.

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However, TSC insists that the teachers must meet the requirements for deployment to secondary schools.

Knut is pushing TSC to allow primary school teachers with degree in secondary option but C(plain) in KCSE to teach in junior secondary.

Knut is also in discussion with TSC on the Parliamentary recommendations which ordered promotion of teachers who upgraded their certificates.

Parliament recommended that the TSC should continue recognizing and acknowledging higher qualifications acquired by teachers while in service.

The MPs want TSC to promote teachers who have acquired diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees while in service.

“The TSC should within six months of adoption of this report open negotiations with teachers’ unions on the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) and uphold the rights of teachers who have acquired relevant qualifications at the time of their in-service.

“Further TSC shall give guidelines on relevant courses to be undertaken by teachers,” reads the report by the Education and Research Committee.

TSC want to use the benchmark training for promoting teachers. The Commission has also maintained requirements for deploying PTE teachers to teach in junior secondary.

Otieno however said that additional details on  how much was tabled as offer by the Commission and what was agreed.

Otieno says the talks on CBA will be revealed to the public this week led by their secretary general Collins Oyuu.

“We will reveal information at the right time and the secretary general himself will speak and the

whole of the republic will know the discussion we are having with the Teachers Service Commission,” said Otieno.


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