DECEMBER 2022 TSC INTERVIEWS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 25 Dec 2022 04:20:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TSC To Generate December 2022 Interview Merit Lists From These Existing Data Before Vetting at Sub-County Offices Sun, 25 Dec 2022 04:20:08 +0000 TSC To Generate December 2022 Interview Merit Lists From These Existing Data Before Vetting at Sub-County Offices

The teachers service commission, TSC seems to have settled on the existing applicant’s data base to generate merit lists, which will be used for vetting those who applied for the December 2022 TSC recruitment and internship positions. The latest database was obtained in July 2022, and was used in the July 2022 interviews. December 2022 applicants should therefore predict their success and positions using July 2022 merit lists.

From the past applications, TSC will be able to weed out those who have been employed either on permanent and pensionable terms or on internship. It will then generate merit lists for the existing applicants. Unlike in the past, December 2022 applicants will not be subjected to interviews but will rather be vetted at the TSC sub county or county offices, as it is always done during recruitment of p1 teachers.

Initially, TSC had indicated that the officers were supposed to generate the applicant’s lists and carry out shortlisting by the Sub-County Selection Panel and invitation for interviews from December 19,2022 to December 23,2022; a process that has now been shifted to start from December 29,2022 to January 5, 2023.

Read also:

Final TSC Approved July 2022 Merit Lists of Top 5 Shortlisted Applicants Per School-All Counties

Final Interview Merit Lists For TSC Recruitment-July 2022

Updated Merit Lists For July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

TSC Uses Merit Lists To Distribute Deployment Letters to P1 Teachers

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In the reviewed roadmap, Submission of Lists of Shortlisted Candidates to the TSC Regional Director by County Director will be on January 6,2023 for onward submission to TSC headquarters by the TSC Regional Director on January 10,2022.

Thereafter there will be publishing of lists of shortlisted candidates on January 13,2023; followed by County recruitment process which will kick off on January 13,2023 to January 23,2023.

After completion of the county recruitment process; vetting at County Level, handling of complaints, signing of internship agreements, offer of internship letters and signing of offer of employment letters will follow, a process that will take 6 days from January 24,2023 to January 31,2023.

The recruited teachers are then expected to report to their respective schools on February 1,2023 with TSC directing that the officers will have 4 days to submit the recruitment documents to the headquarters from February 6,2023 to February 9,2023.

However, the submission of the reporting status of the newly employed teachers by TSC County Directors remains unchanged which is by February 28,2023.
