FORM ONE PLACEMENT RESULTS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 16 Jan 2023 06:09:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2023 Form One Placement Results to be Out Today-How to Check Your Placement Status Mon, 16 Jan 2023 06:09:56 +0000 Form One Placement Results to be Out Today-How to Check Your Placement Status

Form One placement results for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidates will be released today. Ezekiel Machogu, is expected to preside over the release of Form One placement on Monday at the Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development, (KICD).

At least 1,233,852 candidates who sat their KCPE in 2022 will get to know the secondary schools they have been placed today. This is to make parents start early preparations for taking their children to high schools.

“I want to check the results personally just to be sure that no one has corrupted them and that we have protected the weakest link,” said Machogu.

Read also:

How to Check your Form One Placement Results

How to download form one 2022 admission letter

List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

You Can Download KCPE 2022 Result Slip from Today-See Procedure

How to download KCPE 2021 Result Slip Online Using Your Mobile Phone

Call For 2022 Equity Bank Wings To Fly Scholarship Applications- Apply Now

High School Scholarship opportunities

Machogu reassured parents that all children who sat the KCPE examinations would have an equal chance to access national schools based on performance, choices and affirmative action.

According to the CS, Form One selection will be done on merit, where affirmative action will be applied to ensure all national schools have a national outlook.

He said no child will be disadvantaged in the placement process, and insisted that not all candidates who scored over 400 marks will get placement in national schools.

Machogu said the selection criteria also favours candidates who sat the exam under disadvantaged conditions and scored high marks.

“We shall place the best of the best in national schools, but we shall apply affirmative action to ensure these schools represent the Kenyan fabric. A child who scores 399 in harsh environment is capable of doing better if they get equal opportunities as one in Nairobi,” the CS said.

He dismissed critics opposed to the selection formula and said some 9,000 government-sponsored Elimu Scholarships would benefit top scorers who lack capacities to join secondary schools.

“Out of the 9,000 slots, 4,000 will cater for disadvantaged children in urban slums and others will be fairly distributed across all the sub-counties,” he said.

The programme will benefit children from poor families who, in the past, have been elbowed aside and their chances sold to rich families.

“We’ll be very fair in this exercise and you’ll hear a lot of noise from people who are used to those unfair placement schemes. I’m more attracted to that child from slums who has scored reasonably well and has no capacity to join a good school,” Prof Machogu added.

More Than 38,000 2021 KCPE candidates to join National schools-Download Your Letter Here Mon, 11 Apr 2022 09:05:32 +0000 More Than 38,000 2021 KCPE candidates to join National schools-Check if you Appear among them

Some 38,797 KCPE candidates have been selected to join national schools on May 3, 2022.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha says 214,960 others have been placed in extra county schools while 258,456 will be enrolled in county schools.

Another 726,311 students will be enrolled in subcounty schools while 2,045 have been placed in special needs schools. All the candidates are advised to download their form one admission letters by clicking here

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How to check Your Form one Selection Status

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Check your Form One Placement Results

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How to download form one 2022 admission letter

List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

You Can Download KCPE 2021 Result Slip from Today-See Procedure

How to download KCPE 2021 Result Slip Online Using Your Mobile Phone

Call For 2022 Equity Bank Wings To Fly Scholarship Applications- Apply Now

High School Scholarship opportunities

Magoha said more than 800 students from informal settlements are among those selected to join national and extra county schools.

He said their selection was based on affirmative action and was purely on merit.

Overall, a total of 1,214,031 candidates sat the 2021 KCPE exam.

Out of this number, 11,857 candidates scored between 400 and 500 marks.

Another 315,275 scored between 300 and 399 marks.A further 578,197 scored between 200 and 299 marks.

Usually, national schools can accommodate 29,712 students.

Extra county schools can enroll 123,399 students, county schools 142,358, while sub-county schools can accommodate 685,590 learners.

Private schools have a capacity of 69,880 students. There are 32 special needs secondary schools with a capacity of 1,453 students.

Candidates who scored 380 marks and above are ordinarily assured of places in national and extra county schools.

While releasing the results on Monday at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD, Nairobi, Magoha affirmed that all the 1.2 million students will get slots in secondary schools.

He, however, noted that most students were not guided while selecting schools they would like to join in Form One.

This, he noted, led to most national schools receiving overwhelming applications as the number of applicants surpassed available slots.

A case in point is Sironga Girls High School in Nyamira County which will enroll more than 800 Form One students.

Magoha urged the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to send more teachers to the school to match up the huge enrollment.

He said the school will be forced to have around 17 Form One streams.

Meanwhile, Magoha directed chiefs and sub chiefs to oversee construction of CBC classrooms and also ensure all students are enrolled in Form One.

The CS further advised that bursary funds from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) be spend on learners in boarding schools, saying the government pays the entire costs of day secondary schools.



How To Check or Change Your Form One Placement Mon, 11 Apr 2022 08:38:12 +0000 How To Check or Change Your Form One Placement

Education CS George Magoha has announced that the candidates who sat their 2021 KCPE this year have been placed in various secondary schools.

Magoha asked parents to send the candidates’ index number to 22263 to know which school their children have been placed in.
The SMS platform is available for all mobile networks and will be charged Sh25 each.

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Teachers To Foot TPD Training costs Despite Parliament Order

Check your Form One Placement Results

Teachers Reap Big in 2022/2023 National Budget

How to download form one 2022 admission letter

List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

You Can Download KCPE 2021 Result Slip from Today-See Procedure

How to download KCPE 2021 Result Slip Online Using Your Mobile Phone

Call For 2022 Equity Bank Wings To Fly Scholarship Applications- Apply Now

High School Scholarship opportunities

More than 30,000 students have been selected to join national schools later this month.
“38,797 KCPE candidates have been placed in national schools, 214,960 in the extra county, 258,456 in county schools, 726,311 in Sub-county schools and 2,045 in special needs schools,”Magoha said.

This year the council registered 1,225,507 candidates in 28,316 KCPE examination centres as compared to 1,191,752 candidates in 28,467 centres in 2020.This reflects an increase of 33,755 representing 2.75 per cent.

Out of that number, 11,857 candidates scored between 400 and 500 marks.Another 315,275 scored between 300 and 399 marks.A further 578,197 scored between 200 and 299 marks.

Usually, national schools have a capacity of 29,712 students.

Form One Selection Result Out, Most Over 300 Marks Students Get National Schools and Scholarships Mon, 11 Apr 2022 02:50:35 +0000 Form One Selection Result Out, Most Over 300 Marks Students Get National Schools and Scholarships

Form one selection results for 2021 KCPE Candidates are out. A majority of the candidates who scored 300 marks and above have been selected to join national schools. Among them, a section who are needy and their needs assesment status have been verified, have been awarded full scholarships. The results can be obtained through this procedure and will be availed once the portal is open for public access. (Click and keep checking during the day.)

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has kept his promise on Friday that candidates, who sat for the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education exams will know the secondary schools they have been placed in today.

Read also:

Check your Form One Placement Results

Teachers Reap Big in 2022/2023 National Budget

How to download form one 2022 admission letter

List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

You Can Download KCPE 2021 Result Slip from Today-See Procedure

How to download KCPE 2021 Result Slip Online Using Your Mobile Phone

Call For 2022 Equity Bank Wings To Fly Scholarship Applications- Apply Now

High School Scholarship opportunities

Speaking during the inspection of the completed Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) classrooms in Gilgil and Naivasha sub-counties, Prof Magoha said the placement was conducted in a fair manner.

He called on parents to be satisfied with the schools, where their children have been placed, promising they will be taught by competent teachers.

“I can now confirm that by today, parents will know where their children have been placed,” Magoha said.

This year’s placement is likely to see thousands of candidates who did not score 400 marks and above join national schools, which have the capacity to accommodate over 30,000 students.

The ministry’s last year data shows that some 36,254 candidates were placed in national schools, 201,077 in extra-county schools,1.2 million in county schools, 1,827 in special needs schools, and 718,516 in sub-county schools.

In the 2021 KCPE exam, some 11,857 candidates scored between 400 and 500 marks, compared to the 8,091 in 2020, increasing the number by 3,766.

Another 315,275 candidates scored between 300 and 399 marks, compared to the 282,090 who scored the same marks in 2020; while 578,197 candidates scored between 200 and 299 marks, compared to the 589,027 candidates under the same category in 2020.

He assured that bright and needy learners will be placed in good schools and most of them will receive scholarships.

Magoha said his office was aware of needy cases including a letter by lawyer Fridah Lotuiya, from Baringo pleading with the Ministry to have a special selection for Baringo students. He revealed that President Uhuru Kenyatta already issued a directive on the matter.

Lotuiya, in her letter, had pleaded with the ministry to consider offering scholarships to students, who had been affected by bandits attacks.

Form One Placement Results to be Out Tomorrow-How to Check Your Placement Status Thu, 07 Apr 2022 03:24:19 +0000 Form One Placement Results to be Out Tomorrow-How to Check Your Placement Status

Form One placement results for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidates will be released tomorrow, Education CS Prof George Magoha has announced.

The more than 1.2 million learners who sat the 2021 KCPE examinations will get to know the secondary schools they have been placed tomorrow. This is to make parents start early preparations for taking their children to high schools.

“I want to check the results personally just to be sure that no one has corrupted them and that we have protected the weakest link,” said Prof Magoha.

Read also:

How to Check your Form One Placement Results

Teachers Reap Big in 2022/2023 National Budget

How to download form one 2022 admission letter

List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

You Can Download KCPE 2021 Result Slip from Today-See Procedure

How to download KCPE 2021 Result Slip Online Using Your Mobile Phone

Call For 2022 Equity Bank Wings To Fly Scholarship Applications- Apply Now

High School Scholarship opportunities

Prof Magoha reassured parents that all children who sat the KCPE examinations would have an equal chance to access national schools based on performance, choices and affirmative action.

According to the CS, Form One selection will be done on merit, where affirmative action will be applied to ensure all national schools have a national outlook.

He said no child will be disadvantaged in the placement process, and insisted that not all candidates who scored over 400 marks will get placement in national schools.

Prof Magoha said the selection criteria also favours candidates who sat the exam under disadvantaged conditions and scored high marks.

“We shall place the best of the best in national schools, but we shall apply affirmative action to ensure these schools represent the Kenyan fabric. A child who scores 399 in harsh environment is capable of doing better if they get equal opportunities as one in Nairobi,” the CS said.

He dismissed critics opposed to the selection formula and said some 9,000 government-sponsored Elimu Scholarships would benefit top scorers who lack capacities to join secondary schools.

“Out of the 9,000 slots, 4,000 will cater for disadvantaged children in urban slums and others will be fairly distributed across all the sub-counties,” he said.

The programme will benefit children from poor families who, in the past, have been elbowed aside and their chances sold to rich families.

“We’ll be very fair in this exercise and you’ll hear a lot of noise from people who are used to those unfair placement schemes. I’m more attracted to that child from slums who has scored reasonably well and has no capacity to join a good school,” Prof Magoha added.

The CS also announced that KCSE results will be released by the end of April.

“We must deliver credible exams that put all the students on an equal pedestal. Anyone who dares mess with their integrity will face the law.

“Anybody who was found to aid in exam cheating shall be punished according to the Kenya National Examination Council’s laws. Students who were involved in exam cheating will also have a price to pay because nobody forced you to steal,” he warned.

Form One Selection Results To Be Released Today-How to get your Results Tue, 15 Jun 2021 02:16:59 +0000 Form One Selection Results To Be Released Today-How to get your Results

The long wait for incoming Form One learners and their families to know the secondary schools they have been admitted to will come to an end today, when selection results are set to be released.

The results, which were expected by the end of May,were pushed back by two weeks over unexplained reasons. Two months after release of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam results, Education cabinet secretary George Magoha will announce the outcome of the secondary school selection that has been going on.

The selection results will be released for all categories of schools, from national to sub-county, unlike before when selection to national schools would be announced first.

The CS has assured that all the 1.18 million candidates who sat the KCPE will be placed in secondary schools. The Education ministry places candidates based on their performance, availability of vacancies and the choices of secondary schools that they made when they registered for the examinations. Prof Magoha said the computerised process will be “water-tight, credible and of high integrity” with no room for manipulation.

How To know your form one placement and download your letter

How to download form one 2021 admission letter

Magoha Pushes Release Of Form One Selection Results To June 15th, Citing Interference By Cartels

Magoha Cautions School Heads Against ‘Back Door’ Form One Slots

The learners, who have been out of school since they completed the KCPE examinations on March 24, will join secondary school mid next month, when the Term One of the reorganised calendar begins. Competition for places is usually toughest for national schools and other top-performing schools.

However, new rules will make it harder for learners admitted to schools they do not prefer to transfer to other schools. The placement results will be available on the National Educational Management Information System (Nemis) and transfers will only be permissible through the same system.

During registration for examinations, candidates are allowed to select four national schools, three extra-county schools, two county schools and two sub-county schools. Registration for the 2021 candidate class is currently on and will close on July 31.

The capacity of the schools is a factor in addition to the overall performance in the counties that the learners come from. There 103 national schools, 531 extra-county, 1,031 county, 7,325 sub-county and 1,164 private high schools.

During the previous Form One selection, national schools had declared a capacity of 29,712 students, extra-county (123,399), county (142,358), and sub-county schools 685,590 positions. In addition, private secondary schools have a capacity of 69,880 students.

There are 32 special needs secondary schools with a capacity of 1,453 students. The schools are classified as national schools as they admit learners from across the country, based on their disability.

Education stakeholders have in the past expressed concerns that many of the KCPE candidates might fail to report to Form One next month as happened last year before schools reopened. Thousands of learners have dropped out of school in the past one year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

A significant number of girls have become pregnant while others have been married off. Boys have also dropped out mainly on account of drug and substance abuse whereas others have joined the informal labour market.
