ODM SIAYA COUNTY NOMINATIONS – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 14 Apr 2022 05:40:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 List of ODM MCA nominees in Siaya https://elimupedia.com/list-of-odm-mca-nominees-in-siaya.html Thu, 14 Apr 2022 05:40:43 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6097 List of ODM MCA nominees in Siaya

The ODM members in Siaya on Tuesday elected nominees for the 30 Ward representative positions across the county.

The winners were as follows:

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Central Alego Ward– David Ragen (3,433 votes)

North Alego Ward– Vincent Odawa (1,236 votes)

Siaya Township Ward– James Otare (1,901 votes)

South East Alego Ward– Scolastica Masidis Madowo (2,315 votes)

Usonga Ward – Sylvesster Madial (1,463 votes)

West Alego Ward– Felix Okumu (2,655 votes).

East Asembo Ward- Judith Anyango (725 votes)

North Uyoma Ward– Booker Washington (1,731 votes)

South Uyoma Ward– Michael Omondi (930 votes)

WestvAsembo Ward– Mark Okeyo (689 votes)

West Uyoma Ward– Justus Obuya (1,050 votes)

Central Sakwa Ward– Joseph Bismarck (1,328 votes)

North Sakwa Ward– Oliver Arika (1,967 votes)

South Sakwa Ward– Edwin Otieno (1,021 votes)

West Sakwa Ward – John Ombewa (694 votes)

West Yimbo Ward– Willis Okoth (916 votes)

East Yimbo Ward– Francis Otiato (1102 votes)

Sidindi Ward– John Apodo (630 votes)

Sigomre Ward– Anderew Omolo (1,018 votes)

Ugunja Ward– Edwin Martin Otieno (1,339 votes)

Central Gem Ward– Sylas Madingu (1,098 votes)

East Gem Ward– Seth Baraka (616 votes)

North Gem Ward- Ted Odhiambo (912 votes)

South Gem Ward– Brian Chieng Anyango (1,000 votes)

West Gem Ward– Achieng Susan Okwiri (1342 votes)

Yala Township Ward– William Kinyanyi (1123 votes)

Ukwala Ward– Joseph Peter Omondi

North Ugenya Ward– Banard Onyango

West Ugenya Ward – Andericus Odiwuor

East Ugenya Ward– Fredrick Oluoch Omoro


The nominees were all issued interim certificates.

