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CBC Retraining of 56,000 Teachers Kicks-off

Some 56,000 teachers recruited by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) this year will be retrained (retooled) to ensure compliance with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

The exercise will take place for eight days, starting Friday, October 6 to October 13, 2023.

In education context, retooling is a process that is meant to increase professional knowledge and skills to teachers so that students’ learning is improved.

TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia has commended teachers who have been participating in the exercise to ensure CBC compliance as well as attend to their normal school programmes.

Macharia spoke during the World Teachers’ Day at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi.

“The Commission celebrates the pre-primary and primary schoolteachers who have embraced implementation of CBC and are tirelessly assisting the Kenyan learners to acquire the requires core competencies and values,” said Macharia.

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At the same time, the commission says TSC has started vetting teachers who will serve as supervisors and invigilators in the 2023 national examinations.

Already, TSC has vetted 223,223 teachers who will serve as supervisors and invigilators and 37,731 who will perform the role of examiners.

“We must celebrate our teachers for doing a splendid job in guiding all our candidates for important national examinations,” said Macharia.

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