Why Sheryl, A Form 3 student Critically Injured Two police Officers

Ex-Policeman Arrested For Allegedly Cohabiting With A Form One Girl

An ex- police officer in Kirinyaga county is in custody for allegedly cohabiting with a Form One student. The policeman’s hide out at Kagio town was unexpectedly raided by his fellow police men on Saturday 9th, after the minor’s mother reported the matter. According to Kirinyaga East Sub-County police boss Anthony Wanjuu, the officers had to act very fast so that the girl goes back to school.

Mr Wanjuu said the girl was at home during the long closure of schools due to Covid-19 when the ex-police officer lured and married her.

When the schools reopened on Monday, the Form One girl who hails from Gathoge village with her lover did not report and her mother alerted the police.

On learning that he was being sought for questioning, the suspect took off and went underground.

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“The suspect has been living with the minor in his house for more than two weeks and this is a very serious matter,” Mr Wanjuu said.

He said detectives managed to apprehend the suspect and locked him up at Kirinyaga police station because the mother was very cooperative.

Mr Wanjuu said the suspect will face defilement charges once detectives are through with investigations.

“We shall not spare anyone found spoiling young girls who are in school. Children should be allowed to learn and complete their education without interference,” he said.


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