Questions in the Ongoing Grade 3 and 5 CBC Tests Per Learning Area

Questions in the Ongoing Grade 3 and 5 CBC Tests Per Learning Area

It is now clear that the ongoing CBC assessments lack multiple choice questions and are not about memorisation but application.

The Kenya Primary School Heads Association (Kepsha) chairman Johnstone Nzioka, confirmed that the assessments are practical oriented and help children to think.

“It is no longer about memorization. It is about application of knowledge and thinking,” said Nzioka.

It also emerged the school environment is not tense even though the assessments are taken seriously by learners as scores are uploaded on Knec portal.

Below are some of the questions that were examined per learning area.

Mathematics activities

A look at Grade Three mathematics question papers show learners are being assessed on three key areas of numbers, measurements and geometry. Basic tasks on addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are covered under numbers.

Mass and capacity, length, time and money tasks are assessed under measurement while under geometry, learners are tested on position and direction and shapes.

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“One day, a policeman donated 827 masks in the morning. In the afternoon, he donated 91 masks. How many masks did he donate al- together?” reads one of the questions testing addition.

Another question testing subtraction read: “A factory made 967 blankets. It sold 385 of the blankets. How many blankets remained?”

On Grade Four mathematics, three areas of numbers, measurements and geometry, data handling and Algebra are assessed.

“A textbook costs Sh445 and a storybook costs Sh267 in a bookshop. Mary rounded off the cost of each book to the nearest 10. What was the difference in the cost of the books after rounding off?” reads one of the questions. And just like in Kiswahili, the English questions asses reading comprehension, grammar and writing.

English activities

Under English activities, learners are assessed on reading comprehension, language structures and functions. They also have a session for writing a composition.

Social activities

Under Grade 4 Social Sstudies for instance, the learners are being assessed community service engagements, structure of county government, maps and identification of physical features and values among other areas.

“Grade 4 learners have started a project of rearing rabbits in their school. Give two values that they should observe in order to manage the money for the project,” reads one of the questions.

Another question reads: “Your class has been asked to talk about qualities of a good community leader during the school’s parent meeting. Write two quality that you will talk about day.”

Learners have also been asked to “Write two ways in which children with special needs may be abused by other people in the society.”

Science and technology

Under Grade 4 Science and Technology, learners are assessed based on some of the activities they may have done during lessons. For instance, learners are for instance asked to label parts of a human being and stating their functions. Identifying and naming clouds, explaining various parts of a water filter and understanding floatation.

“Learners observed a cloud in the sky. The learners concluded that it was likely to rain. Name the cloud they observed,” reads one of the questions.

A Grade Four teacher who said: “Some of these questions were drawn from class activities that were done practical sessions and its basically assessing children’s understanding.”

The questions are split sections, each assessing various tasks. For example, tasks on living things, environment, digital technology, matter, force and energy and also earth and space.

Similar aspects are assessed science subject for Grade Five learners. “The picture below shows a learner squeezing a balloon filled with air during a lesson on characteristics of gases. Write two characteristics of gases the learner was demonstrating,” reads another question.

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