2022 FORM ONE SELECTION – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 10 Apr 2022 05:57:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Form One Placement Results to be Out Tomorrow-How to Check Your Placement Status https://elimupedia.com/date-for-release-of-form-one-selection-results-revealed-how-to-check-yours.html Thu, 07 Apr 2022 03:24:19 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6022 Form One Placement Results to be Out Tomorrow-How to Check Your Placement Status

Form One placement results for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidates will be released tomorrow, Education CS Prof George Magoha has announced.

The more than 1.2 million learners who sat the 2021 KCPE examinations will get to know the secondary schools they have been placed tomorrow. This is to make parents start early preparations for taking their children to high schools.

“I want to check the results personally just to be sure that no one has corrupted them and that we have protected the weakest link,” said Prof Magoha.

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High School Scholarship opportunities

Prof Magoha reassured parents that all children who sat the KCPE examinations would have an equal chance to access national schools based on performance, choices and affirmative action.

According to the CS, Form One selection will be done on merit, where affirmative action will be applied to ensure all national schools have a national outlook.

He said no child will be disadvantaged in the placement process, and insisted that not all candidates who scored over 400 marks will get placement in national schools.

Prof Magoha said the selection criteria also favours candidates who sat the exam under disadvantaged conditions and scored high marks.

“We shall place the best of the best in national schools, but we shall apply affirmative action to ensure these schools represent the Kenyan fabric. A child who scores 399 in harsh environment is capable of doing better if they get equal opportunities as one in Nairobi,” the CS said.

He dismissed critics opposed to the selection formula and said some 9,000 government-sponsored Elimu Scholarships would benefit top scorers who lack capacities to join secondary schools.

“Out of the 9,000 slots, 4,000 will cater for disadvantaged children in urban slums and others will be fairly distributed across all the sub-counties,” he said.

The programme will benefit children from poor families who, in the past, have been elbowed aside and their chances sold to rich families.

“We’ll be very fair in this exercise and you’ll hear a lot of noise from people who are used to those unfair placement schemes. I’m more attracted to that child from slums who has scored reasonably well and has no capacity to join a good school,” Prof Magoha added.

The CS also announced that KCSE results will be released by the end of April.

“We must deliver credible exams that put all the students on an equal pedestal. Anyone who dares mess with their integrity will face the law.

“Anybody who was found to aid in exam cheating shall be punished according to the Kenya National Examination Council’s laws. Students who were involved in exam cheating will also have a price to pay because nobody forced you to steal,” he warned.

Magoha issues Form One selection rules For KCPE 2021 Candidates https://elimupedia.com/magoha-issues-form-one-selection-rules-for-kcpe-2021-candidates.html Thu, 31 Mar 2022 03:25:55 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5979 Magoha issues Form One selection rules

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha yesterday assured integrity in Form One placement. He said the selection criteria will take into account affirmative action and geographical distribution.

The process is already underway and will see learners who sat the 2021 KCPE examination placed in national, extra county, county and sub-county schools.

“Affirmative action will take into account the geographical distribution of this country. Children from the northern region must be represented in national schools. To do that, God and the government have given us the powers to be fair,” said Magoha.

Speaking on the sidelines of a Surgical Society of Kenya conference in Mombasa, Magoha said the selection criteria will not discriminate against well-performing students, especially those in slums and arid and semi-arid areas.

“We will ensure that all children are given equal, fair and just treatment, including children in the slums and those in far-flung arid and semi-arid areas where we have always had affirmative action”, said the CS.

He added that all the 1.2 million candidates who sat the examination would be placed in the secondary schools they chose, if possible. “Where the chances are limited, merit will prevail.”

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List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

You Can Download KCPE 2021 Result Slip from Today-See Procedure

How to download KCPE 2021 Result Slip Online Using Your Mobile Phone

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High School Scholarship opportunities from 250 KCPE Marks

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Some 11,857 candidates scored 400 and above, 315,275 had 300-399 marks, another 578,197 had 200-299 marks, 307,532 had100-199 marks while 1,170 had between 0-99 marks.

They are all expected to join secondary schools under the 100 per cent transition policy. “We will place you where you belong in terms of your selection. There will be no interference at all,” he added.

Students picked 11 schools of their choice — four national, three extra-county, two county and two sub-county schools. They will know the schools they have been placed in two weeks.

As the country prepares to usher in Grade 7 under the new curriculum, the CS challenged private schools to create junior secondary schools to ease the burden on the government.

“Private owners of schools should not always look at the profit margin. They should create stand-alone junior secondary schools to reduce the pressure on us,” said Magoha.

He disclosed that secondary school games could resume next term owing to relaxation of Covid rules.

“I will consult the health minister and, most likely, as we open for the new year, we could relax that aspect,” he said Magoha.

He said those who attempt to breach exam integrity in the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) will be punished.
