ARSON CASES – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 07 Dec 2021 03:44:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Govt. blames rights activists for school fires as Magoha Advocates For Reintroduction of Caning in schools Tue, 07 Dec 2021 03:39:16 +0000 Govt. blames rights activists for school fires as Magoha Advocates For Reintroduction of Caning in schools

The Government has shifted blames on the human rights activists for the unruly behaviour currently witnessed among students in various schools.

According to the Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i, human rights activists have made it difficult for the Government to have sanity in the education sector.

However, he added that the Government is keen on ensuring there was law and order in the management of the education sector in the country.

“The Government is concerned about the frequent cases of unrest in schools and we are going to put measures in place to ensure we have law and order in place,” said Matiang’i.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha who was in the company of Matiang’i at Egentonto Primary School in South Mugirango Constituency in Kisii County, advocated for the reintroduction of corporal punishment in schools to bring back sanity.

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Magoha said that during his time in school, they were caned thoroughly which made him what he is today and that nobody died from the strokes of canes they got from teachers in a bid to instil discipline in the students.

“I am adamant that caning should be reintroduced back in schools immediately because we cannot afford to have rogue students running amok in schools unchecked,” said Magoha.

He said that the 2021 national examinations to be conducted in March next year were ready and that the government will ensure that the exercise was carried out without any anomalies.

“The Government is aware that students have faced a lot of challenges for the last one year since due to Covid-19 and we are going to ensure that all the challenges the students faced during that difficult time are considered,” said Magoha.

Games Teachers To Submit Quarterly Progress reports on the implementation of P.E and Sport policy Mon, 15 Nov 2021 12:48:16 +0000 Games Teachers To Submit Quarterly Progress reports on the implementation of P.E and Sport policy

Heads of departments in various schools will have to submit Quarterly Progress reports on the implementation of P.E and Sport policy to the principals, who will in turn submit them to the sub county directors of education. This is a new directive as per a circular signed by the principal secretary in the ministry of education, Dr, Julius Jwan and addressed to Regional Directors of Education, County Directors of Education and Sub-County Director of Education. This new directive was arrived at as a measure to keep learners engaged so as to minimize arson incidences in schools.

“The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with KNATCOM, GIZ, UNESCO and other education partners has developed the Physical Education and Sport Policy for Basic Education. This is a major step towards operationalizing the Arts and Sport Science Pathway in the implementation of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). It is worth noting, the seven core competencies in CBC are achievable through engaging learners in Physical Education and Sport,” reads part of the letter.

Towards the implementation of Physical Education (P.E) and Sport Policy, all Heads of Basic Education Institutions are expected to:

  1. Ensure physical education as a subject is taught.
  2. Constitute an institutional based P.E and Sport committee.
  3. Establish P.E and Sport club in the institution.
  4. Coordinate peer support programmes for teachers in P.E and Sport
  5. Put in place mechanisms for internal quality assurance of P.E and sport programmes.
  6. Provide adequate spaces and equipment for P.E and Sport activities.
  7. Promote both modern and traditional games and sport at institutional level.
  8. Sensitize learners and entire school community on the importance of inclusive talent development in P.E and Sport.
  9. Establish mechanism for protecting learners from abuse and exploitation while engaging in P.E and Sport.
  10. Sensitize learners on safety standards for P.E and Sport
  11. Maintain data of learners engaged in P.E and Sport.
  12. Submit Quarterly Progress reports on the implementation of P.E and Sport policy to Sub-County Director of Education. Consequently, the Physical Education and Sport Policy can be accessed in the ministry of education website

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You are required to bring the content of this letter to the attention to all Heads of Basic Education Institutions within your area of jurisdiction.

Government Sets Strict Guidelines For Admission In Form 2, 3 And 4 Thu, 11 Nov 2021 02:50:36 +0000 Government Sets Strict Guidelines For Admission In Form 2, 3 And 4

The ministry of education has warned secondary school principals against admitting students who are not officially transferred from their previous schools.

As per the projections of MOE, this directive will help curb students’ indiscipline, which has led to nationwide increase in arson cases and student unrests.

In a November 9 circular to all regional and county directors of Education, Basic Education Principal Secretary Julius Jwan asked principals to demand formal release letters before  admitting students in form two, three and four.

“Ensure that all students involved in any form of indiscipline are not allowed to transfer to any other school. Therefore, no school should admit a student who has not been formally released by the previous school,” reads the letter.

Additionally, secondary school boards of management have been asked to convene, discuss indiscipline resolutions and share them with the county directors of education.

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“Schools should open up accessible channels of communication for adequate and seamless engagement with the learners, including mounting a proper mechanism for addressing grievances arising from students.”

The government said it won’t engage in repairs of school buildings damaged by rioting students.

“It must be noted that the ministry will not meet the cost of reconstructing destroyed school property arising from acts of arson,” said Jwan

“Let’s not pretend that we are burning a building because of stress from corona virus. That’s not true. The statistics show otherwise; that this madness started around 2016,” he said.

At least 20 secondary schools have reported cases of arson, with most students in the institutions sent home indefinitely.
