Institute of Teacher Support and Professional Development – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 21 Nov 2020 04:15:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TSC Plans To Establish a Post Training Institute For Registered Teachers and Heads Sat, 21 Nov 2020 04:15:59 +0000 TSC Plans To Establish a Post Training Institute For Registered Teachers and Heads

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is in the final stage of establishing a school to train all teachers on matters classroom management, effective teaching approaches and professionalism.

This move was precipitated by a report which revealed that most teachers got inadequate training at the universities/ colleges and that some of them do not even follow the prescribed professional standards and conduct. Performance generally relies on proper training and professional conduct, without which, performance will be greatly be affected negatively.

As per the TSC report, the most current trends in Primary Teacher Education (PTE) results show that teachers; lack effective teaching strategies, lack adequate knowledge in preparing professional records, have poor classroom management, and  are incompetent  in handling learners with special needs. The report also revealed that the assessment and feedback skills of teachers need to be improved.

Reports of 2017 PTE examinations for instance  reveal that some school heads; are unable to analyze books of accounts properly, cannot communicate in an effective manner with stake holders among them, teachers and parents, cannot create  a spirit of shared common  goals for academic and infrastructural improvement  of the school and cannot use resources properly.

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According to TSC, content knowledge among most teachers does not meet the set standards in English, Mathematics and Science since their mastery of content is poor.

Due to all these weaknesses teachers are facing, TSC has opted to establish a new learning centre for teachers, which will be registered under the name; the Institute of Teacher Support and Professional Development. The institute will equip teachers with peer collaboration and support during their years of service and beyond.

“The over-arching goal of the Institute will be to enhance the quality of education by providing teachers, assisted by the education partners, with a formal structure for professional support and professional development,” states the TSC document.

The institute will be governed by TSC and the targeted group will be all registered teachers and heads in Kenya.

The institute however will prepare customised programmes for international students. Certificates will be awarded once the teachers complete their professional standards course as directed by the TSC.

According to TSC Act 212 section 11(e), TSC can facilitate professional development for teachers, and it is this act that TSC is using as a defense.

“Section 35(2)(a) and (b) of the Act and Regulations 48 & 49 of Code of Regulations for Teachers states that, all teachers are obligated to undertake professional development courses as prescribed by the Commission from time to time,” reads report.

TSC is confident that the institute will:

  •  Assist and consult with teachers to diagnose classroom difficulties and challenges.
  • Establish procedures and criteria for the probation and full recognition of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) service providers.
  • Develop and continuously review the framework for the professional development programmes of teachers.
  • Guide teachers through integrated support approach that allows them to effectively appreciate the critical examination of experiences and issues in the broader community
  • Enhance Promotion of teaching as a profession through organization of workshops and conferences and the publication of newsletters, research reports and articles on educational issues.
  • Adopt face-to-face sessions with teachers, conduct online tutoring and embrace blended learning as its modes of delivery.
  • Establish school-based support groups as part of its strategies. Among the strategies are ; Coaching, mentoring, classroom observations, lesson study/action research, book/journal reviews and collaborative subject mastery development will also form part of strategies.
  • Accredit service providers offering the Teacher Professional Development programmes.
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