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All Teachers’ Votes Are Yours: Sossion Tells Ruto

Nominated Member of Parliament (MP) Wilson Sossion has officially ditched the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) for Deputy President William Ruto’s Party, United Democratic alliance(UDA) ahead of the next General Elections.

In a video Sossion posted on his official Facebook page, he promised to deliver to UDA, votes from all teachers, since teachers have a lot of trust in him. He said that the next general elections will be about the bottom-up economy which is being pushed by DP Ruto.

Describing Ruto as a brave and fearless politician, the politician who was nominated to parliament by the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) under the leadership of Raila Odinga said that Ruto was the best suit to take over from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“The choice of this model I can count you as amongst the few brave and fearless leaders to take that route in the African continent,” Sossion said.

He said that the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) was the best party that will sort a number of issues that Kenyans are facing for decades to come.

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Sossion, who also served as the Secretary-General of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) bragged about his good relations with civil servants.

“Your excellency we want to believe that you will be a record-breaker as the 5th president of Kenya. You know civil servants love me because of what I did in the labour world,” he added.

According to him, Kenya is suffering because the rich have hidden money within themselves leaving behind others to suffer.

He assured DP Ruto that majority of civil servants will support Ruto because he has shown he has their interest at heart.

The move is a blow to Odinga led party ODM as Sossion was considered amongst politicians who would have played a role for the party in the vast Rift Valley region which is considered Ruto’s stronghold.

In the recent past, Sossion has been making rounds in Chepalungu constituency in Bomet County as he drums up support for Ruto.

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