School Timetables to be reviewed To recover time lost to CBC

Hardship Review Favors Four Sub Counties

The recently conducted mapping and review of hardship and hard to stuff areas by the ministry of education seems to have favored four sub counties, whose teachers will soon start earning hardship allowances. Subsequently, Thousands of teachers from Nyando, Chonyi. Lungalunga and Suba sub counties are warming up for possible changes in their salaries, as the government is set to implement recommendations from teams that collected data on hardship regions.

However, the payment can only be done after the official new hardship areas are gazetted and a budget is passed to capture the new areas.

Read also:

We are not planning to scrap hardship allowance From Any Hardship area, clarifies TSC

Teachers who declined To activate their TSC Outlook365 emails Barred from Wealth Declaration

Hard to staff Areas As Per CBA 2021-2025

Nationwide Survey and Review Of Hardship Areas

Though more sub counties had favourable remarks, the four had overwhelming support with some teams recommending specific zones and schools where the payment should be done.

In Lungalunga sub county for example the team recommended the whole of Mwereni zone to be captured and seven schools in Lungalunga zone to be added as hardship areas.

On 5th September last year the Principal Secretary for Interior Services dispatched five teams for a countrywide data collection exercise aimed to review hardship areas for public service employees.

The teams each with representatives drawn from Ministry of Public Service and Gender, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, Ministry of Education, The National Treasury and Planning, Public Service Commission, Teachers Service Commission, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Council of Governors, Commission on Revenue Allocation, Salaries and Remuneration Commission and The judiciary were sent to various counties to collect data to inform on new hardship areas.

The exercise was a second phase after the Technical Committee completed the first phase during the 2020/2021 financial year.

According to the PS the Technical Committee undertook phase I of the exercise during the 2020/21 financial.

However, owing to financial constraints, phase II of the exercise could not be undertaken to finalize the exercise in the same year.

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