How Egerton University students scammed parents Ksh 4m via WhatsApp and Telegram

How Egerton University students scammed parents Ksh 4m via WhatsApp and Telegram

Just a month to the beginning of kcpe, kcse and KPSEA examinations, Four Egerton University students have been arrested in connection with examination fraud.

Three among them; Kevin Anunda Mogaka, Francis Manyara Ogata, and Bravin Osano Ombongi, will be arraigned at the Milimani law courts this morning while the fourth one will be a  State witness.

The three will face three counts of conspiring with intent to deceive the public, publication of false information, and being in possession of stolen ID cards.

The students were arrested following investigations by Knec and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

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They were allegedly operating 15 accounts on WhatsApp and Telegram, where they solicited money from the public with the promise of sending them leaked examination papers.

They were demanding between Sh5,000 and Sh35,000. One such group seen by Nation has over 2,500 members.

Investigations reveal that they had already collected over Sh4 million deposited in two bank accounts, which the DCI has frozen.

They were also found in possession of several ATM cards, national identity cards, and SIM cards that did not belong to them.

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