The Kenyan Teachers National Pressure Group

KNUT Gives TSC an Ultimatum To Reverse punitive teacher transfers

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) now wants punitive teacher transfers reversed.

KNUT Secretary-General Collins Oyuu said while teachers can be transferred for various reasons including administrative or on request, some past transfers had been punitive.

“These transfers must not be punitive by any standards. Teachers should always feel there is genuine reason they are being moved from one station to another,’’ said Mr Oyuu.

He said: “The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) should ensure those who are being transferred are taken to places where they can work and produce results, not to places where they feel punished.”

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Oyuu, who said some teachers had written to Knut about the punitive transfers, added that a date had been secured between the union and TSC to discuss the transfers.

He said the delocalisation policy affected teachers who are married couples. Oyuu said the issue was discussed in the 2021-2025 CBA.

“All our members who feel aggrieved by this policy shall be assisted to have them work close to their families and spouses. This must not attract any argument since it is espoused in the running CBA. We wish to invite affected members to reach out to us for support,” the Knut boss said.

Speaking in Nairobi yesterday, the Knut official said there was need for public goodwill for the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) to succeed.

Oyuu’s concerns come months after a section of teachers opposed to the TPD under the umbrella body, national teachers pressure group, ed by ms Martha Omollo, were unceremoniously transferred to hard stuff and far-flung regions. KNUT declined to fight for them, arguing that they followed a wrong channel and that they were non members

On teachers numbers, Oyuu said the shortage in primary schools stand at 84,000 and 12,000 in secondary schools.

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