KNUT Rejects TSC’s 15,200 Promotion Vacancies
KNUT Rejects TSC’s 15,200 Promotion Vacancies

Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, secretary general has said that KNUT will not welcome the recently advertised promotion vacancies by TSC since TSC is acting illegally and breeching a court order.

According to the Secretary General, the CPG circular being used by the TSC had been nullified by the courts in entirety in the case of 151 of 2018.

“If a circular was nullified by a court why do you apply the same? we are already in court on the matter, we will push for contempt of the TSC CEO for electing to disregard a court ruling and code of regulation for teachers which is the single entity for promoting teachers,” said Mr. Sossion.

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Knut boss said they had shared the with the International Labour Organization (ILO), Education International, the global body for all teachers’ unions and the International Trade Union confederation based in Brussels to deliberate on the TSC.

Sossion reminded TSC that as per a past court ruling, TSC was supposed to meet the unions to find an amicable approach towards promotion of teachers, yet TSC keeps avoiding KNUT and goes ahead to advertise promotion vacancies based on an illegal document.

Sossion had earlier on issued ultimatums including a strike notice if TSC did not implement the final phase of 2017-2021 collective bargaining agreement, CBA.

The Knut secretary general said all members must be paid salary arrears for the duration they were denied pay increase. Sossion also called for immediate promotions of all Knut members who were denied opportunities for belonging to the union.

He demanded that TSC reinstates the Knut register as it was in June last year before schools open.

Sossion accused the teachers’ employer of unilaterally suspending the 2017-2021 CBA for its members and blocking them from benefits.

As a result, thousands of Knut members have been left out of third and final phases of the CBA, sparking uproar.

According to the data from Knut, the union has shrunk from 187,471 members in June 2019 with earnings of Sh144 million to less than 51,215 teachers and collecting only Sh37 million by August this year.

Sossion also wants the TSC to honour all the court orders, including the suspension of CPG.

“The court ordered us to meet and deal with these issues with finality but you have blatantly refused any meetings with us and therefore managing teachers out of the Code of Regulations hence contradicting the provisions of CBA and denying teachers their rights to promotions and other benefits,” he said.

He said illegal implementation of the CPGs has irregularly locked out Knut members from the Sh54 billion CBA.

But TSC defended the CPG and denied disobeying the court order.

“When the CBA was signed, it introduced a new grading system for teachers known as Career Progression Guidelines, which replaced the Scheme of Service. But Knut challenged the implementation of the CPG in court,” said TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia.

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