CHRIS KINYANJUI – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Fri, 04 Dec 2020 12:45:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cancel The January Reopening Date:  NCCK Tells Magoha Fri, 04 Dec 2020 12:45:02 +0000 Cancel The January Reopening Date:  NCCK Tells Magoha

The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK),  has  started  pushing  for a review of the 4th  January school reopening  date, arguing that  the surge in Covid-19 numbers in the country is shocking.

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Grade Four, class eight and Form Four learners have been in school since October and the government has set January 4th 2021 as the resumption date for all learners.

NCCK feels that the surging Covid-19 situation should be reviewed before all learners can be sent back to class.

“We propose that the decision that all learners will resume in-school learning on January 4th, 2021 be reviewed and proper measures put in place to avoid a surge in new infections,” said NCCK General-Secretary Rev Canon Chris Kinyanjui , shortly after their  Executive Committee meeting in Limuru.

While the NCCK did not state when they want schools reopened or how long the postponement should be, they insisted that further discussions must be made to ensure the safety of learners.

“We call on all stakeholders to sit down and review this situation. We must make sure that all the measures have been put in place and that we do not reopen our schools when we are not sure of the safety of our children,” added Kinyanjui .

While announcing the reopening of schools for a crash programme that will see school terms and holidays squeezed, Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha assured Kenyans that his ministry will take into account, lessons learned after the phased reopening of schools for the three classes.

“We are drawing important lessons from the partial reopening since October and are confident that we will remain in the right trajectory in finding a winning formula that will ensure institutions are safe for learners and teachers,” said Prof Magoha.

Currently, with the fewer number of learners in schools, there is more space to enhance the Covid-19 regulation of physical distance between people to avoid infections. This will be voided once all the learners report to schools in January.

“Participants may have to come up with additional finances, teaching staff,  non-teaching staff, learning rooms, ICT infrastructure, sustainable supply of running water , sanitizers and sanitizing facilities,” reads Education Ministry’s training module.

Next year will have four terms beginning on January 4, May 10, July 26 and October 11, with only those in Grade Four covering three terms in the same year.

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