COOPERATIVE BANK – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 22 Dec 2020 03:27:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top 7 Cheapest and Best Personal Accident Insurance Covers For Interns Thu, 03 Dec 2020 15:08:57 +0000 Top 7 Cheapest and Best Student Personal Accident Insurance Covers For Interns

Potential employees intending to get employed in various fields are sometimes subjected to a period of internship, prior to being absorbed.

All interns are normally required to present a personal accident insurance cover for the period they will be in internship. In Kenya, TSC interns, PSC interns, medical interns, nursing interns, procurement interns, among others must subscribe to an insurance company that covers them in case they get involved in accidents or deaths during the entire period of internship.

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There is no deal if an intern takes a personal accident insurance cover meant for students. Trusting an insurance provider may sometimes be very difficult and that’s why elimupedia took time sampling the best companies that can offer personal accident insurance covers to interns.

1. Co-operative Bank Of Kenya

From experience in dealing with cooperative bank, it can be conclusive that it offers the cheapest and most convenient personal accident insurance cover. At a minimum of  ksh. 300, this mega darling financial institution will cover you for a whole year. To register with cooperative bank for a personal accident insurance cover, all you need is to carry your national ID to the nearest cooperative bank and visit its insurance section.

2. Equity Bank Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This cover provides compensation foe death, permanent disability, medical /funeral expenses from an accident/ injury during the cover period, among others. The cheapest personal accident insurance cover premium for equity bank is ksh. 750 annually.

To register for this personal accident insurance cover, visit any equity bank branch nearest to you and request for the proposal.

3. KCB Student Personal Accident Cover

This cover is designed for learning institutions as well as individual students especially students who require personal accident cover when proceeding to attachments or internships.
The policy has got affordable premiums friendly to interns’ and parent’s pockets.
The policy mainly provides compensation for death, permanent disability, medical expenses and funeral expenses as a result of involvement of the insured student in an accident.
For more information one can contact the KCB insurance customer desk;
Tel:+254 020 228 7000
Cell +254 711 087 000/ 732 187 000

4. CIC Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This covers death, permanent total disability, medical expenses, artificial appliances, funeral expenses and emergency rescue services.

The minimum premium in their proposal costs ksh. 1000  annually. You can visit any CIC office country wide to register.

5. Heritage Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This covers death, permanent total disability, medical expenses, artificial appliances, funeral expenses and emergency rescue services.

The minimum premium in their proposal costs ksh. 1150  annually. You can visit any heritage office country wide to register.

6. Britam Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This is an insurance policy available for students on attachments or internships in the course of their learning period.

Britam provides monetary payments in an event of accident to the insured student.

The policy provides compensation for death, total disability, medical expenses and funeral expenses. The minimum premium costs about ksh. 1300

For more information one can contact Britam through:

Tel+ 254 020 283 3000

Cell+254 703 094 000

7. HF Group Personal Accident Insurance Cover from

This is a student insurance cover specifically designed for students to cover financial compensation in case of an accident.

The policy covers students in active education and students in attachments or internships. Education institutions can take this policy to cover their students in case of accidents.

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Top 5 Most Pay Slip Friendly Pay Points For Teachers and Other Civil servants Sun, 15 Nov 2020 09:02:15 +0000 Top 5 Most Pay Slip Friendly Pay Points For Teachers and Other Civil servants

Teachers, in all cases, earn through banks and SACCOS. In our country, there are several banks and SACCOS, from which a civil servants can choose a pay point. Choice of pay point depends on a number of factors that are not limited to:

  • Earlier payments
  • Ease of withdrawal
  • Easy accessibility to salary advance at cheaper interest rates.
  • Proximity to areas of residence
  • Satisfactory services by the staff
  • Timely Notifications whenever salary lands on the accounts.

With all those factors in mind and from thorough analysis of various pay points, elimupedia staff sampled five of the best pay points that teachers should try.

1. Equity Bank Limited

Equity bank is usually among the first two pay points to deposit money into members’ accounts. Immediately equity receives payroll from employers, it deposits money into accounts, irrespective of day and time of the week. As early as 22nd, members of equity bank have always earned and spent their money. This saves them the agony of surviving up to end month.

Equity has the easiest means by which clients can withdraw their cash. Each equity client is entitled to an equitel line that they can use to transfer money to their MPESA accounts. Those without equitel lines can register for mobile banking services and transact from their accounts using USSD code *247#.

Members can also install equity bank app from play store and use it to access their accounts.

Equity bank gives members salary advance at an interest rate of 1.125 per month.

Read also: How to change your TSC Pay Point

2. Kenya commercial bank (KCB)

KCB also does quite well when it comes to paying salaries. It does not wait till end month to pay members their dues.

KCB members can also operate their bank accounts any where any time, so long as they have mobile phones and an active MPESA account. Sending money from your KCB account to MPESA is absolutely free.

KCB also offers salary advance at reasonable interest rates.

3. Kenya Women Finance Trust (KWFT)

When it comes to timely payment of salaries, KWFT is always among the first banks to pay salaries. It may not be known widely but the few members associated with it praise it for its better services.

4. Co-Operative Bank

Cop bank is also a good bank when it comes to timely payment of salaries. It has an app that members can use to access their accounts and to check account balances.

Read also: Top 10 Banks with Most Affordable Interest rates on SME and Other Loans

With USSD, *667#, members can withdraw money at any time without spending so much.

5. Mwalimu SACCO

Members of this pay point are mostly teachers. Though Mwalimu SACCO delays to pay teachers salaries, it is among the better pay point options for teachers. The fact that it reminds teachers once money is deposited in their accounts earns it a score.

It has an app and a USSD, though it is among the pay points that charge most expensively for mobile   banking transactions. Mwalimu SACCO charges ksh. 14 to check account balance and ksh. 70 to withdraw any amount less than ksh. 70,000.
