form one selection results – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 11 Apr 2022 19:25:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Magoha Warns Principals Against Including These Items Among Form One Admission Requirements Mon, 11 Apr 2022 19:25:05 +0000 Magoha Warns Principals Against Including These Items Among Form One Admission Requirements

Education cabinet Secretary George Magoha has cautioned principals against demanding that form one students report to school with certain items as pre conditions for admission. Among the items are photocopying papers, printing papers, foolscaps, jembes, slashers, hockey sticks, hand brushes, pangas, novels, setbooks, exercise books, atlas, mathematical set, mathematical tables, dissection kits, dictionary among others.

,“Ensure that parents and/or guardians with learners who will be joining Form One are not overburdened with unnecessary requirements that increase the cost of education. Principals should exercise caution while listing student 11 requirements as part of the measures to reduce the cost of education. Some of the items to be avoided include Exercise books, Class readers/novels, Photocopying papers, Full scalps, Atlas, Mathematical tables, Hockey sticks, pangas, jembes slashers, hand brushes among others,”.

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Of the 1,225,502 candidates that sat the 2021 KCPE, 900 were inmates, 573 were overage candidates, 33,627 were underage (12 years and below), and 9,128 were candidates from refugees in camps and 2,819 are Special Needs candidates.
While releasing the Form One placement results in Nairobi this morning, Prof Magoha said 10 schools had received applications of over ten times their capacity.
“It became clear to us that a big number of candidates did not receive proper guidance and direction when choosing schools. This resulted in some schools attracting far many applicants against their capacities,” the CS said.
For instance, Nanyuki High School, the most selected school in this year’s selection, has a capacity of 480 but got 156, 003 candidates selecting it.
Kabianga High School, one of the top schools in Kericho County, has a capacity of 528 but got 149, 087 candidates picking it as their choice.
On the other hand, Pangani Girls High School (one of the top-performing girls’ schools in the capital city) has a capacity of 336 and 118, 073 2021 KCPE candidates preferred to join the institution.
Others are Maseno School 110,811 against 576, Nakuru High School 107,915 applicants against a capacity of 336, Alliance Girls’ High School 104,353 against 384, Kapsabet Boys 99,725 against 384, Butere Girls High School 98,410 against 528, Mang’u High School 93,648 against 432 and lastly Moi Girls’ High School- Eldoret 92,666 against a capacity of 336 students only.
“This scenario can be avoided if candidates are offered relevant guidance during the selection process by teachers and parents,” the CS added.
Moreover, Magoha also commended two schools in the Nyanza Region that went out of their way to expand capacity in support of 100 per cent transition.
“St. Albert Ulanda Girls and Sironga Girls are going to admit 864 and 816 candidates respectively,” Magoha noted.
The Ministry of Education has placed some 38,797 candidates in National schools countrywide, another 2,045 for Special Needs Education, 214, 960 others in Extra-County schools, 218, 456 more to join County schools and 726, 311 others join sub-county schools while another 9, 128 are Refugees in camps.

Form One Selection Results To Be Released Today-How to get your Results Tue, 15 Jun 2021 02:16:59 +0000 Form One Selection Results To Be Released Today-How to get your Results

The long wait for incoming Form One learners and their families to know the secondary schools they have been admitted to will come to an end today, when selection results are set to be released.

The results, which were expected by the end of May,were pushed back by two weeks over unexplained reasons. Two months after release of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam results, Education cabinet secretary George Magoha will announce the outcome of the secondary school selection that has been going on.

The selection results will be released for all categories of schools, from national to sub-county, unlike before when selection to national schools would be announced first.

The CS has assured that all the 1.18 million candidates who sat the KCPE will be placed in secondary schools. The Education ministry places candidates based on their performance, availability of vacancies and the choices of secondary schools that they made when they registered for the examinations. Prof Magoha said the computerised process will be “water-tight, credible and of high integrity” with no room for manipulation.

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Magoha Pushes Release Of Form One Selection Results To June 15th, Citing Interference By Cartels

Magoha Cautions School Heads Against ‘Back Door’ Form One Slots

The learners, who have been out of school since they completed the KCPE examinations on March 24, will join secondary school mid next month, when the Term One of the reorganised calendar begins. Competition for places is usually toughest for national schools and other top-performing schools.

However, new rules will make it harder for learners admitted to schools they do not prefer to transfer to other schools. The placement results will be available on the National Educational Management Information System (Nemis) and transfers will only be permissible through the same system.

During registration for examinations, candidates are allowed to select four national schools, three extra-county schools, two county schools and two sub-county schools. Registration for the 2021 candidate class is currently on and will close on July 31.

The capacity of the schools is a factor in addition to the overall performance in the counties that the learners come from. There 103 national schools, 531 extra-county, 1,031 county, 7,325 sub-county and 1,164 private high schools.

During the previous Form One selection, national schools had declared a capacity of 29,712 students, extra-county (123,399), county (142,358), and sub-county schools 685,590 positions. In addition, private secondary schools have a capacity of 69,880 students.

There are 32 special needs secondary schools with a capacity of 1,453 students. The schools are classified as national schools as they admit learners from across the country, based on their disability.

Education stakeholders have in the past expressed concerns that many of the KCPE candidates might fail to report to Form One next month as happened last year before schools reopened. Thousands of learners have dropped out of school in the past one year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

A significant number of girls have become pregnant while others have been married off. Boys have also dropped out mainly on account of drug and substance abuse whereas others have joined the informal labour market.

Magoha Pushes Release Of Form One Selection Results To June 15th, Citing Interference By Cartels Tue, 25 May 2021 02:43:48 +0000 Magoha Pushes Release Of Form One Selection Results To June 15th, Citing Interference By Cartels

The government yesterday delayed Form One selection exercise amid fears well-connected individuals had secured slots for unqualified children in the country’s top schools at the expense of bright learners from poor backgrounds.

In a surprise move, Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha announced he would release the outcome of the exercise on June 15 and not Friday as planned.

“The ministry is concluding a meticulous Form One selection exercise for the 2020 KCPE exam results.

I will be releasing the selection results on Tuesday, June 15,” Magoha said yesterday.

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The announcement left thousands of last year’s KCPE exam candidates who were anxiously waiting to know which schools they would join, in shock.

He alluded to the interference in the selection, saying he was acting on orders to ensure all deserving candidates join the best schools regardless of social status.

“Form One selection will commence soon and we will announce to the public.

I want to politely ask the people barraging me with requests that I get my orders from one person and that person is President Uhuru Kenyatta and I think I work with him well enough,” the minister affirmed.

Magoha said his orders were to ensure that the places of poor but intelligent children in leading schools such as Kenya High or Alliance are guaranteed.

“I will be taking part in the selection myself. We have to stop this thinking that we just crop the second best and leave the crème de la crème because there is nobody to speak for them. Students should, therefore, not have any stress,” he said.

National schools

The CS was speaking at the Joseph Kang’ethe Primary School yesterday during the launch of the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS) exercise for the 2020 Form Four examination candidates.

The announcement came amid fears that thousands of the 2020 KCPE class would miss their preferred secondary schools due to limited spaces in some of the country’s top institutions.

A technical team from various ministries and agencies, which is working on the formula for the selection in Naivasha, was said to be grappling with the enormous task of placing all the 1,179,192 candidates in secondary schools.

This is after it emerged that the vast majority picked their first choices from the 17 so called “original” national schools while shunning the 86 other top institutions which were elevated to that status with the advent of devolution.

“The problem we are currently experiencing is that majority of the candidates concentrated on the original national schools and ignored the newly-created national schools in the counties.

This is forcing us to develop a criteria which may force us to place the candidates in schools other than the ones they applied for,” said a top Education official who sought anonymity because he is not authorised to speak on behalf of the ministry.

Among the national schools which received few applications are those from far flung counties such as Turkana, Wajir, Mandera, West Pokot, Lamu, Tana River, Marsabit and Garissa.

High integrity

“We have very good schools in places like Wajir and Lodwar, which are national or even extra-county but have very few applications.

Majority of the candidates chose traditional schools like Alliance, Nairobi School, Mang’u, Lenana and Maseno. Officials are now forced to find a balance,” said the official.

Magoha is on record stating that an audit of new and existing vacancies for public and private secondary schools has been made to allow admission of all learners.

“To ensure all candidates are placed in schools of their choice, based on performance and available vacancies, the Ministry of Education will employ a water-tight system that will be both credible and of high integrity,” he said when he released the exam results last month.

Yesterday, Magoha stressed that all the 1.2 million candidates who sat the examination will find places in secondary schools in the spirit of 100 per cent transition policy.

“We must ensure utmost protection of all learners who sat the 2020 KCPE as they prepare to join Form One in July.

We must ensure we ward off all forms of child abuse that are common in some parts of the country, which could prevent the learners from joining Form One,” the CS said.

The team in Naivasha is expected to ensure a water-tight criteria is developed, including setting quota and an acceptable formula, which will subsequently see fair placement to secondary schools for 2020 KCPE candidates.
