free primary education – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:15:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Breakdown of Disbursed Term 3 Free Primary Education Funds Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:15:04 +0000 DISBURSEMENT OF FPE FUNDS TO PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS’ ACCOUNTS 1 AND 2

The Government has released KSh146.20 per learner for Account I which has been deposited into respective schools’ accounts.

The utilization of the funds will be strictly as follows unless otherwise authorized by the relevant authority.

KSh.137.80 per learner has been released into respective school’ Account 2. The utilization of the funds will be strictly as follows unless otherwise authorized by the relevant authority.

County Directors of Education should ensure that this information is availed to all public primary schools’ head teachers in their jurisdiction immediately to enable them utilize the funds as outlined above.

SCDEs should receive acknowledgements from schools upon receipt of funds, prepare summaries of funds received by every school and forward the same to their respective CDES who will in turn forward the same to Director Primary Education within 2 weeks.

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SCDEs should also regularly monitor utilization of these funds in order to ensure strict adherence to the Ministry’s guidelines.

Headteachers are also advised that this disbursement and future disbursements will be done using data from NEMIS.

The headteachers should thus ensure that they regularly update their enrollment on NEMIS.

All Head teachers shall ensure that information on receipt of capitation grant is displayed on the school notice boards and the budget tabled and discussed in Board of Management( BOM) meetings

Belio R. Kipsang, CBS

Recall learners Whom You Sent For School Fees, Magoha Orders Heads Wed, 27 Jul 2022 03:46:20 +0000 Recall learners Whom You Sent For School Fees, Magoha Orders Heads

Education cabinet secretary George Magoha has ordered school heads to immediately recall learners who were sent home due to school fee challenges.

He said school heads should no longer complain about money as the government disbursed funds this week.

Magoha was speaking during a press briefing at Hospital Hill High School in Nairobi.

“We want to strongly urge principals to stop sending pupils home for money. They can at least give parents a few more days to sort themselves out,” he said.

Magoha however, singled out Nyandarua county saying there are reports that most learners were sent home.

“I am aware that in Nyandarua there has been a massive removal of children from school. Those children must be returned to school, immediately,” he said.

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The CS also asked school heads to negotiate with parents as students continue staying in school.

“Let’s be sensitive to parents and give them time because even the month has not ended,” he said.

Magoha had previously said the Treasury disburses funds at the beginning of the school term.

He had said the government disbursed the capitation fund in April.

The CS had told teachers to focus on their duties and utilise public funds prudently to achieve the objectives.

“It’s good to say the truth so that you don’t misinform people. We issued the money at the beginning of the current term,” Magoha said.

The CS said Sh16.9 billion has been disbursed to schools.

He said Sh14.2 billion is for secondary schools while the remaining Sh2.7 billion is for primary schools.

School principals had raised concern with the CS warning them against sending students home, yet they have no money.

“We are asked to retain learners in school but how will they eat? How are we expected to pay workers, yet we don’t have money?” a principal who sought anonymity said.

Hospital Hill High School principal Ken Bunyasi confirmed to the CS that most institutions had received the funds.

“Most school heads started receiving the funds in their accounts yesterday,” he said.

Three school principals who were contacted by the Star confirmed that they had also received the funds.

“My school received the funds yesterday and we are grateful. I can confirm that the money is already in our account,” a principal from Bomet said.

Another principal of an extra county school in Nairobi also confirmed that the money had been deposited in the school account.

“We are grateful that finally the money has been sent to our school accounts, we can now run errands successfully in school,” she said.

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High School Heads Win Big in 2022/2023 Budget as Primary School Heads, TSC Face Disappointment Fri, 08 Apr 2022 06:50:54 +0000 High School Heads Win Big in 2022/2023 Budget as Primary School Heads, TSC Face Disappointment

The education sector is among the biggest beneficiaries in this year’s budget, according to the proposals presented in Parliament Thursday by National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani.

The CS proposed an allocation of Sh544.4 billion for the sector, with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) taking the lion’s share of the funds.

Mr Yatani proposed Sh298.4 billion for TSC, a big increase from the Sh281.7 billion it received in last year’s budget.

However, primary school heads will be disappointed, as Mr Yatani gave Sh12 billion to the free primary education programme, the same amount as last year, despite complaints that schools require more money to run the institutions.

The capitation for learners in primary schools has remained the same (Sh1,420) since the programme was established in 2003, despite inflation over the years.

Secondary school principals will be happier after the CS proposed an allocation of Sh64.4 billion, up from the Sh62.2 billion the schools received last year under the free day secondary education programme. The allocation includes funds meant for learners’ insurance under the National Hospital Insurance Fund. Out of the proposed allocation to the TSC, Sh2.5 billion will go towards the recruitment of teachers and Sh1.2 billion for training of teachers on the competency-based curriculum. Sh5 billion will fund the examination fee waiver for Grade Six, Standard Eight and Form Four candidates, while Sh1.96 billion has been allocated to the school feeding programme.

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“The transition rate from primary to secondary schools moved from 64.5 percent in 2012 to the current 100 percent,” he said.

