TEACHER PROMOTION – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 01 Jul 2023 04:57:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Treasury allocates Sh1billion to TSC for teachers’ promotion https://elimupedia.com/treasury-allocates-sh1billion-to-tsc-for-teachers-promotion.html Sat, 01 Jul 2023 04:57:50 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=13287 Treasury allocates Sh1billion to TSC for teachers’ promotion

The National Treasury has allocated Sh1 billion to the Teachers Service Commission for promotion.

Education Parliamentary Committee chairman Julius Melly has said the decision to allocate the promotion money was to motivate teachers to render quality teaching.

He spoke at the 46th Kenya Secondary School Heads Association Conference at Sheikh Zayed Hall in Mombasa.

“For a school to work, it must have a motivated teacher. A stagnated teacher is a problem. A teacher who is not appreciated does not work very well,” Melly said.

“That is why as the committee of education we have allocated Sh 1 billion for teacher promotion.”

He said that the money will be reinvented to allow the movement of teachers from D3 to D4 and to prevent teachers from being stagnated in one job for many years.

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“The skewed promotion that we’ve seen will be dealt with in the next stage so that those members who have overstayed in D3, D2 could be moved and even the teachers be promoted,” Melly said.

“We do not want to see a teacher who has stagnated for 10, 15 years in one job group. It is demoralizing and it is wrong.”

He said the committee has discouraged the issue of acting promotions.

He termed it as wrong and demotivating.

“We need that teacher who has been taken over as a principal, give him the requisite documents and let him take up the school and he moves on,” Melly said.

“As a committee, we gave the TSC timelines. We do not want to see principals, deputies or senior teachers acting for a very long time. We are discouraging that as a member of the committee education.”

This comes after KESSHA chairman Kahi Indimuli gave an alert that the promotion of teachers was being delayed even after they stay on their jobs for over a year.

He said that most deputy principals get demoted instead of being promoted to principals.

“It is demoralising and diminishing for a deputy principal to act for sometime and after a short while, they are demoted to either a class teacher or subject head,” Indimuli said.

Teachers to Serve on Mandatory Acting Capacity Before Confirmation as School Administrators https://elimupedia.com/teachers-to-serve-on-mandatory-acting-capacity-before-confirmation-as-school-administrators.html Thu, 22 Jun 2023 12:53:34 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=13259 Teachers to Serve on Mandatory Acting Capacity Before Confirmation as School Administrators

Teachers will now have to act first before being given management mandate in their schools.

This revelation was revealed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC)CEO Nancy Macharia in its report it published and released this month.

The Commission is considering making it mandatory for teachers to act before their confirmation to administrator position.

This means, if adopted, acting requirement will supersede any other qualification the teacher holds during job application and promotion interviews.

However, teachers will have to act for a minimum period of three years before being considered. Also, the teachers will have to be qualified for the position they are acting.

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Promotion for teachers in ASAL and Hard to staff areas will remain to be on affirmative action.

TSC through circular number 14/2021 said promotions of teachers shall be in accordance with the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) in force.

The Commission further said teachers serving in ASAL and hard to staff areas and are holding administrative positions in an acting capacity shall be promoted progressively until they obtain grades commensurate to their respective positions.

Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) has for a long time accused the TSC of failing to confirm teachers who work in acting administrative positions for a long time.

Mr Omboko Milemba, the national chairman of the Kuppet, said that the current career progression guidelines make it difficult for classroom teachers to get promotions unless they are in administrative positions.

Teachers in acting capacities he said are owed Sh1 billion, claiming it stagnates their careers.

Milemba said this amount to bills for services rendered but not paid for, adding that the union is undertaking research to quantify the amount owed to such teachers.

“This is a pending bill that’s not quantified. This is an exploitation of labour by the TSC and the government. I’ve put a question in Parliament but I’m doing research with my office staff to back the numbers.It’s become impossible to be promoted unless you’re in administration,” said Mr Milemba, who is also the MP for Emuhaya constituency. He said the most affected are teachers in grades C3 and C4.

In December last year Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera also raised concern after it emerged that TSC failed to promote teachers in acting capacity where majority were deputy headteachers.

When TSC board chair Jamleck Muturi and head of legal Calvin Anyuor appeared before Parliament they clarified that teachers in acting positions will be given the first consideration during this years’ teacher promotions.

They told lawmakers they had made deliberate efforts to ensure deputy headteachers who have been acting as headteachers will be the first to get promoted.

The duo said some deputies had not been promoted because they had not met the requirements of moving to the next positions.

“We are going to ensure that the teachers get first priority. However, it cannot happen Automatically.’

Blow to Teachers as Promotion Funds Slashed https://elimupedia.com/blow-to-teachers-as-promotion-funds-slashed.html Sun, 18 Jun 2023 04:48:20 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=13246 Blow to Teachers as Promotion Funds Slashed

Teachers who have overstayed in one job group have a reason to smile after the government through the National Treasury allocated Ksh1.1 billion to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for promotion of teachers across various cadres.

However, the allocated amount has raised concerns as to whether the Commission will meet its target of promoting a total of 12,634 teachers in the next 2023/2024 Financial Year which starts in July 1,2023 after requesting Ksh2.17 billion in its budget that it represented before the National Assembly departmental Committee on Education on February 14,2023.

The TSC’s estimated budget entailed a total of Ksh600 million to promote a total of 4,595 primary school teachers from a promotional grade of C1 to C2, another Ksh1 billion to promote 4,750 diploma teachers from C2 to C3; Ksh400 million to promote another 2,637 graduate teachers from C3 to C4;and Ksh175.03 million to promote a further 652 graduate teachers from D3 to D4.

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A number of school deputy heads and acting principals in Embu County who spoke to Education News revealed that they have remained in the same grade for more than 10 years, and that had their years of experience and academic qualifications been put into consideration they would have been moved up three grades upwards.

“Presently, we comprise a large number who have remained at the same grade yet some of those who have been lucky were promoted three grades up”, a head teacher in a school in Manyatta Constituency told Education News in confidentiality.

Regarding the issue of shunning administrative positions in schools despite being qualified, the teachers noted that they fear being intimidated by TSC senior officials and also being sacked.

The teachers confessed that senior TSC officers were too ruthless in tackling even the most minor mistakes, while the employer often preferred uncouth and inhumane levels of disciplinary action where punishments were extreme.

Due to the rising levels of intimidation and extreme disciplinary action, most of those qualified to ask for promotion said they would rather avoid responsibility than expose themselves to what mostly turned into devastating punishment.

“The TSC has been ruthless in dealing with some of the slightest mistakes in dealing with personnel and students discipline as well as handling of funds with those caught up in any mess being summarily dismissed,” alleged a primary school head teacher.

TSC to Recruit 20,000 Intern Teachers, Promote More Teachers After Scooping Half of Education Budget https://elimupedia.com/tsc-to-recruit-20000-intern-teachers-promote-more-teachers-after-scooping-half-of-education-budget.html Fri, 16 Jun 2023 03:27:27 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=12601 TSC to Recruit 20,000 Intern Teachers, Promote More Teachers After Scooping Half of Education Budget

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been allocated a larger share in the Education docket budget by the Kenya Kwanza government.

According to the 2023-24 Budget, TSC has been allocated Sh316.7 billion, half of Sh 628.6 billion which is the full amount allocated towards the education sector.

TSC has also been allocated 4.8 billion for the recruitment of 20,000 intern teachers.

Last year, TSC received Sh2.5 billion for the recruitment of teachers.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia said the commission requires Sh2.2 billion to carry out the promotion of teachers in different job cadres.

However, the government has allocated 1.1 billion towards the promotion of teachers.

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She added that the commission requires Sh2.1 billion to fund teacher professional development.

In submissions to National Assembly’s Committee on Education and Research, Macharia said recruitment will ensure objectives outlined in the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda are achieved.

“These teachers are expected to reduce the shortage in our public schools but more importantly, ensure that learners receive quality education,” Macharia said.

She said recruitment of interns alone will have a number of spiral effects.

“One, it will create employment for the many young people who are currently unemployed. Secondly, improve the quality of education and also improve the living standards of many households across the country,” she said.

Hope as TSC Seeks Ksh. 4.3B For Appraisals, TPD and Promotions https://elimupedia.com/hope-as-tsc-seeks-ksh-4-3b-for-appraisals-tpd-and-promotions.html Tue, 16 May 2023 02:55:17 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11742 Hope as TSC Seeks Ksh. 4.3B For Appraisals, TPD and Promotions

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is seeking Sh4.3 billion to promote teachers and to fund the Teacher Professional Development (TDP) programme. Of the money, Sh2.2 billion will go towards promotion of about 14,000 tutors who have stagnated in the same job group over the years as well as those who have attained higher qualifications while Sh2.1 billion will fund the TPD programme.

In a presentation made before the National Assembly’s education committee that is scrutinizing the 2023/2024 budgets, the commission said it also requires more money to recruit 20,000 interns as well as implement the comprehensive medical cover for teachers. “The Commission has prepared the 2023/24 financial year and the medium term estimates guided by its strategic plan, the Medium Plan, the Vision 2030 and, the National priorities as articulated in the Kenya Kwanza Manifesto.

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One of the critical issues addressed by the Manifesto is the need to expand access to quality services in Health, Education and appropriate safety nets for vulnerable populations,” said Macharia.

TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia told the committee that a number of teachers have stagnated in one job group for a long time leading to demotivation and low productivity. “This state of affairs in turn affects the provision of quality education to learners. TSC requires Sh2.2 billion to carry out the promotion of teachers in different job cadres,” said Macharia

Teacher employer says Sh2.2 billion will go towards promotion of those stagnated over many years. The move comes after the commission last month advertised promotions for over 14,000 senior teachers in line with Career Progression Guidelines (CPG). Of these, 13,713 are principals, deputy principals, senior masters, secondary teachers, head teachers and deputy head teachers in secondary and primary schools. The highest vacancies in this category are Deputy Head Teacher II for regular primary schools, which have 7,720 posts. TSC is also expected to promote 2,733 head teachers for regular primary schools, 1,330 Secondary teacher I, 725 Deputy Principal II, 602 principals for regular schools, 224 Deputy Principal III for secondary schools and some 208 Senior Master II

On TPD, Macharia explained that due to the dynamic teaching environment, professional teacher development is a prerequisite for effective teaching and learning in the classroom. TPD involves the career-long processes and related systems and policies designed to enable educators (teachers, administrators, and supervisors) to acquire, broaden, and deepen their knowledge, skills, and competencies in order to effectively perform their work. “Professional Development is the continuous updating of professional knowledge and improvement of personal competence throughout one’s teaching life,” she said. With regards to the recruitment of 20,000 intern teachers, Macharia explained that this is aimed at reducing the shortage of teachers in public schools as well as ensure that learners receive quality education “This intervention alone will have a number of spiral effects; one it will create employment for the many young people who are currently unemployed secondly, improve the quality of education and also improve the living standard of many households across the country,” she added on the comprehensive medical cover for teachers and their dependents, she said that they need funds to implement the said program.

Currently she said the medical scheme covers more than one 1,000,000 members across the country and is part of expanding access to quality health care envisaged in the Manifesto. Meanwhile Macharia also said that they require another Sh300 million to finance various programs and activities at the county and sub-county levels. According to Macharia, TSC county and sub-county offices are very key in the implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) and Performance Contract implementation and oversight as required by section 11(c) of the TSC Act 2012. “They play a big role in the timely dispensation of pending discipline cases and the implementation of teaching standards,” she said.

KEWOTA Calls for Automatic Teacher Promotion https://elimupedia.com/kewota-calls-for-automatic-teacher-promotion.html Sun, 26 Mar 2023 04:53:23 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11508 KEWOTA Calls for Automatic Teacher Promotion

Kenya Women Teachers Association (KEWOTA), has urged TSC to revert to automatic teacher promotion as a way of motivating teachers.

Giving her proposals for an evaluation of the systems for promoting teachers, KEWOTA CEO Benter Opande maintained that Many teachers have raised complaints in regards to the qualification criteria used for the promotion.

Further, she added that Teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of a country by nurturing the young minds of the nation. However, teaching has often been considered a thankless job, with little appreciation and recognition for the hard work and dedication that goes into it.

“One solution to this problem could be to implement automatic teacher promotion as a reward for excellence in teaching. Automatic teacher promotion would involve creating a system that promotes teachers based on their years of service and their performance evaluations in the classroom. This system would be designed to motivate and reward teachers for their hard work and dedication to their profession and eliminate the need for teachers to go through a cumbersome promotion process that can be biased, unfair and frustrating,” said Opande.

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This could be done by setting specific criteria for what constitutes excellence in teaching, such as student achievement, feedback from colleagues and students, and professional development activities.

When a teacher meets these criteria, they would be automatically promoted to the next level in the teaching profession. This would give teachers a clear path for advancement and provide them with tangible rewards for their hard work and dedication. The teaching profession in Kenya has faced numerous challenges in recent years. These challenges have contributed to low morale among teachers and have made it difficult to attract and retain the best talent in the profession. In my view, automatic teacher promotion would be a way to address some of these challenges and provide incentives for teachers to stay in the profession.

Of course, there are challenges to implementing automatic teacher promotion. For example ensuring that the criteria for promotion is fair and objective. There would need to be a system in place to measure teacher performance accurately and to ensure that teachers are promoted based on merit, rather than favoritism.

This will ensure promotion is based on merit and that teachers are motivated to continue to improve their skills and performance.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of implementing automatic teacher promotion in Kenya are clear. By rewarding excellence in teaching, the education system would be able to attract and retain the best teachers, leading to better outcomes for students. It would also help to improve the status and reputation of the teaching profession, making it a more attractive career option for young people.

Above all, automatic teacher promotion would recognize the importance of experience in teaching. Experienced teachers have a wealth of knowledge and skills that can be passed on to their students. By promoting teachers based on their years of service, the system encourages teachers to stay in the profession and continue to develop their skills over time.

This can be a motivating factor for teachers, as they can see the rewards of their hard work and dedication. It can also help to retain teachers who may have otherwise left the profession due to a lack of opportunities for advancement.

Thirdly, it would improve the quality of education that students receive. Teachers who are motivated and committed to their work are more likely to be effective in the classroom. By rewarding excellence in teaching, the education system in Kenya would be able to attract and retain the best teachers, leading to better outcomes for students.

Automatic teacher promotion could be an effective way to reward excellence in teaching and improve the quality of education in Kenya. By setting clear criteria for promotion and ensuring that the system is fair and sustainable, Kenya could create a more motivated and effective teaching workforce, leading to better outcomes for students and a brighter future for the country.

TSC Prioritizes Promotion of 12,634 teachers Over TPD https://elimupedia.com/tsc-prioritizes-promotion-of-12634-teachers-over-tpd.html Sat, 04 Mar 2023 11:13:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11427 TSC Prioritizes Promotion of 12,634 teachers Over TPD

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has chosen to give priority to teacher promotion instead of TPD. The commission has pledged to promote 12,634 teachers this year promote.

According to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, the commission will spend at least Sh2.2 billion to promote the teachers who have stagnated in the same job group for many years.

She revealed that Sh600 million will be used to move 4,595 primary school teachers, currently in Job Group C1, to Job Group C2.

Additionally, Sh400 million will be used to promote 2,637 graduate teachers to Group C4 from Group C3. Over Sh175 million will be needed to promote 652 graduate teachers in Grade D3 to Grade D4.

“Another 4,750 diploma teachers in Job Group C2 will require Sh1 million to be promoted to Job Group C3,” she told the National Assembly Education Committee.

The education committee’s chairman Julius Melly urged the commission to compensate and promote teachers who had stagnated in the same job group for many years as well as those who have been working in an acting capacity.

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“How will the teachers who have been acting as principals, deputies or heads of a department be compensated? Failing to promote them means their retirement package will be affected,” Melly said.

Macharia said the stagnation of teachers in the same job groups was due to the lack of funds and asked the government to provide the Sh2,175,038,528 they needed to carry out the teacher promotion.

“We have been unable to promote teachers because of financial constraints. The commission has not received funds to promote teachers since the implementation of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement CBA. This has tainted the commission’s image,” Macharia said.

Malava MP Malulu Injendi sought to understand what TSC’s priorities were in its strategic plan.

“We have seen in your tabulations. You want us to give you Sh2.1 billion towards a Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme to improve their pedagogical skills, management skills and learning outcome,” Injendi said.

He added: “Between the TPD programme and teachers’ promotions, which is your priority area.”

Macharia said: “To address the problem, the commission requires Sh2.2 million to promote teachers. Those teachers who were employed as interns will be absorbed under permanent and pensionable terms, paving the way for new cohorts of teachers to be admitted to the commission.”

Melly asked the commission to provide the roadmap for reforms and innovations in the provision of teaching services to learners in the delivery of curriculum in schools.

He observed that as of now, learning in some Grade Seven classes is at standstill due to a shortage of teachers. He said this denies learners equity and inclusivity in the management of the teacher resource.

“In some schools, there is not even a single Junior Secondary School teacher, and in others, the ministry has only posted one. It is the reason we are calling on TSC to move fast to address the problem of shortage of teachers,” Melly said.

Macharia assured the committee that the commission’s focus areas are the recruitment of additional teachers to address the existing shortage and the building of the capacities of teachers on the competence-based curriculum.

TSC promised to employ more teachers as long as the government provides resources.

“The commission wishes to review the 2021-2025 CBA on salaries with an aim to motivate teachers under the employment of the commission,” Macharia said.

Macharia observed that an additional 450 secondary school teachers will be hired.

“We had a budget to hire 36,000 teachers last year. We managed to hire 35,550 teachers,” Macharia said.
