KNUT Ready for Dialogue with TSC

KNUT To Meet Parliament’s Education Committee Over TPD As Members With TPD Concerns Told To Inform Office

Kenya national union of teachers (KNUT) officials, led by Assistant Secretary General Hesbon Otieno and Stanley Mutai are expected to meet members of the parliamentary committee on education which is headed by Florence Mutua over issues related to the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) today.

Otieno confirmed last week that they will meet the committee to present challenges teachers are facing ahead of the December TPD program.

However, Knut reiterated its support for TPD with Otieno and Mutai asking teachers with challenges concerning the training to present them to their branch union officials who will relay the same to the national office.

Sources close to KNUT have revealed that that the union is seeking to have TPD modules sponsored by TSC so that teachers do not fund themselves for a training organized by the employer. In addition, KNUT wants the duration of the TPD be reduced. By engaging with the parliament, it maybe possible to retailor the modules to suit the teachers.

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Last week Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General Collins Oyuu maintained that Teacher Professional Development (TPD) is not a new thing and that it is fully captured both in Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Act of 2012 and in the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT) 2015.

Addressing the press at Awendo East Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, Oyuu stated that when the CORT came into operation in July 2015, he was not even the Secretary General of KNUT.

“TPD is neither an issue of yesterday nor that of last year. This is an issue that has been running from 2012 through an act of parliament. Go to the TSC Act, which is a legal document, Section 35 talks about TPD. Look about the Code of Regulations that was taken before the sub-committee on legislation in parliament; it also went through the education committee in parliament that is 2015. This document started operating fully in july 2015, none of us was Secretary General; I was not there as the Secretary General,” stated Oyuu.

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