EACC – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 26 Sep 2021 02:28:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 EACC Demands For A List Of heads charging extra fees https://elimupedia.com/eacc-demands-for-a-list-of-heads-charging-extra-fees.html Sun, 26 Sep 2021 02:28:26 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4464 EACC Demands For A List Of heads charging extra fees

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has stepped in to investigate the growing cases of school heads demanding illegal levies from students.

The commission has written to the Ministry of Education asking to be supplied with a full list of head teachers who are demanding extra charges over the set fees for further action.

In a circular to county and regional directors of education, Basic Education Principal Secretary Julius Jwan has asked them to investigate the reported cases and forward the same to the Ministry.

“The commission (EACC) has subsequently written to the Ministry raising concern over such cases reported to them. In the circumstances, you are required to investigate and compile the cases and forward to this office for further action,” said Dr Jwan.

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is already handling and investigating hundreds of such cases before taking disciplinary action.

If found guilty, school heads and principals risk losing their jobs and being taken to court by the EACC to face corruption charges.

The PS reiterated that school heads and principals must comply with the Ministry of Education regulations.

Dr Jwan revealed that some schools have continued charging illegal levies under the guise of pocket or transport money using class teachers. In some schools, the principals let the parents’ class representatives announce the illegal fees and ask parents to pay through M-Pesa and other non-official accounts.

“It is reiterated that money paid to schools must be receipted and spent in compliance with the Public Finance Management Act,” he said.

According to sections 44 and 45 of the Basic Education Regulations 2015, no public school or institution shall issue alternative fees structures other than those approved by the Cabinet secretary.

Last month, the ministry asked school heads who had charged extra levies to refund the cash or channel it to the learners’ accounts to cover future charges.

In the revised school fees guidelines, the Education ministry reduced national schools’ fee by Sh8,500 while extra-county schools fee was reduced by Sh5,500 owing to the short time they will be in school.

For the 2021 school calendar, learners in national schools are required to pay Sh45,000 while those in extra-county schools are required to pay Sh35,000.  The government pays for all students in both boarding and day schools Sh22, 244 as tuition fee.

Day secondary schools and primary schools are not required to demand fees. In the event they set a fee for lunch, they are required to seek approval from the ministry.

The ministry released Sh17.47 billion to schools for first term. Of this, Sh2.62 billion was for primary schools while Sh14.85 billion was for secondary schools.

Dr Jwan said the money released to the schools is enough to run them.

EACC trains Teachers as school integrity Managers https://elimupedia.com/eacc-trains-teachers-as-school-integrity-managers.html Fri, 12 Feb 2021 02:06:05 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2462 EACC trains Teachers as school integrity Managers

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has embarked on a mission to train teachers on best management practices for their integrity clubs. So far, over hundred teachers in select schools across the country have benefited.

Integrity clubs, which mainly target the youth, are instrumental in uniting young learners in the promotion of ethics, integrity and good governance through debates, arts, culture, sports and other activities.

The programme aims at influencing behaviour change within schools so that integrity becomes implicit in its culture and practiced by all learners.

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The Integrity Club movement was established by EACC to enable learners pursue integrity and ethics as the foundations of their lives.

The agency launched the establishment of the Club in 2010 after Ministry of Education issued a directive through a circular in 2011 that all learning institutions establish Integrity Clubs.

The training, which was conducted online targeted patrons of both primary and secondary schools.

Those trained were patrons from Nairobi, Kilifi, Lamu, Taita Taveta, Makueni, Isiolo, Nyeri, Garissa, Bomet, Siaya, Bungoma and Nyamira counties were trained.

TSC acting Deputy Director Julie Ogoye, said timing of the training is right, given that schools are facing challenges, chiefly incidents of students’ unrest.

“There is need for stakeholders to initiate programmes to mitigate the vices and be role models that students would wish to emulate,” said Ogoye.

She urged the championing of promoting a culture of hard work, with integrity and encouraging unwavering compliance to stipulated regulations.

“TSC recognizes and appreciates measures put in place to inculcate values among the youth in all formal institutions of learning so as to nurture good character and prevent corruption. I trust this is one of the key roles of Integrity Club Patrons,” said Ogoye

EACC Commissioner Abdi Maalim, called on the patrons to continue being role models in their respective schools and act beyond the call of duty for societal good.

“Improved personal integrity will lay a firm foundation for societal prosperity that will enable us achieve the aspirations of Chapter Six of the Constitution, to develop honest, effective and accountable leaders and public officers, said Maalim.

The Integrity Club Patrons Forum is aimed at providing opportunities for the managers of the various clubs to gain new skills, share and learn best practices from each other and deliberate on ways to propel the Clubs to the next level.

The journey to achieving the critical milestones, he added starts with the teachers and patrons before it is cascaded to the learners. “Modelling is a powerful tool in behaviour change and so we are investing in you as champions of integrity in order to positively influence learners,” Maalim said.

Stop Victimizing Mbaka: Human Rights Lobby Tells EACC https://elimupedia.com/stop-victimizing-mbaka-human-rights-lobby-tells-eacc.html Thu, 19 Nov 2020 12:58:36 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1497 Stop Victimizing Mbaka: Human Rights Lobby Tells EACC

Uasin Gishu County Director of Education Dr. Gitonga Mbaka has recorded a statement at the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) North Rift regional office. This comes two days after he was invited by the EACC to record a statement, following claims of gross misconduct by education cabinet secretary, Professor George Magoha.

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EACC North Rift Director, Japhet Baithalu said that they summoned Mr. Gitonga to clear the air on the incident that occurred at Langas Primary School during an inspection tour by the CS a fortnight ago.

“We learnt this from the public that there were some issues that transpired and we wanted him to shed light on them,” Mr Baithalu said.

Minutes after recording the statement, Dr Mbaka said he had told EACC what he had to tell them. However, human rights groups, among them, Centre Against Torture, accused EACC victimizing the humble education official.

“We are apprehensive that this man (Mbaka) is being victimized because CS Magoha has not been summoned to record a statement. Prof Magoha is the aggressor while Dr Mbaka is the victim,” said Mr Kimutai Kirui, a member of the Centre against Torture group.

Mr Kirui requested President Uhuru Kenyatta to sack CS Magoha, calling him a bully who is not fit to hold any public office.

“We don’t want bullies in our offices. This is an outright abuse and misuse of office. Magoha should go home. I am afraid that Dr Mbaka, who is the victim here, may not be able to get justice because the aggressor has not been summoned to give his side of the story.”

Magoha accused Dr Mbaka of failure to inspect schools within his area of administration. It is however interesting enough to know that Magoha did not even know Dr. Mbaka, who happened to be his junior in the ministry. The viral video captures him asking, “Na huyu ni nani?”

Dr Mbaka was interrogated, together with Kapseret director of education on 19th November while Langas primary school head teacher recorded a statement on 18th November.

Mbaka Summoned By EACC https://elimupedia.com/mbaka-summoned-by-eacc.html Tue, 17 Nov 2020 10:28:56 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1449 Mbaka Summoned By EACC

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission EACC, has launched an investigation into an incident in which Education Cabinet Secretary, Prof. George Magoha publicly insulted and humiliated a ministry official.

Through a letter, EACC has summoned the victim, Dr. Mbaka, to record a statement over the incident at its Eldoret offices on Wednesday 18th November 2020.

Read also: Magoha Summoned By EACC For Publicly ‘Bullying’ An Officer

“The commission, pursuant to its constitutional mandate as set out inter alia under article 252(1) (a) (d) of the constitution and section 4 (2) and 42 (10) of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012, is investigation allegations of unethical conduct touching on the CS, Ministry of Education regarding an incident that occurred at Langas Primary School in Eldoret town on or about November 6 during a tour of the school,” read the letter signed by the EACC deputy regional head (North Rift region), Mark Ndiema.

“The commission has reason to believe that you have information that may assist in this investigation and would like to shed light and record a statement on the matter,” the stated.

“To this end, you are invited for interview and statement recording at EACC North Rift regional office on Wednesday November 18,” read the letter finally.

Last week, Public Service Commission withdrew from Magoha, of powers to carry out human resource functions at his ministry.

Magoha boldly responded to the PSC that only president Uhuru Kenyatta can stop him from carrying out his functions at the ministry.

“Unless otherwise directed by my appointing authority, I shall continue to perform all my duties and responsibilities with zeal and commitment and ensure all officers in the Ministry of Education perform their duties for the benefit of the Kenyan child, parents and all education stakeholders,” he said.

Magoha Summoned By EACC For Publicly ‘Bullying’ An Officer https://elimupedia.com/magoha-summoned-by-eacc-for-publicly-bullying-an-officer.html Tue, 17 Nov 2020 08:23:07 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1442 Magoha Summoned By EACC For Publicly ‘Bullying’ An Officer

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha has been summoned to appear at the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) headquarters on Wednesday 18th November 2020. The CS is expected to record a statement over accusations of insulting an officer in his ministry.

Through a letter, EACC invited Prof Magoha to appear before Mr. David Mutua and Ms Celestine Awiti, and record a statement over the incident.

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The commission revealed that EACC Act, 2011 of the Constitution mandates it to probe Magoha for breaching the code of conduct when he visited Uasin Gishu County less than two weeks ago.

“The Commission pursuant to its constitutional and statutory mandate…is investigating allegations of unethical conduct touching on Cabinet Secretary of Education, regarding an incident that occurred at Langas Primary School, in Eldoret Town, on or about November 6, 2020, during a tour of the school,” the letter stated.

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    Magoha Summoned By EACC For Publicly ‘Bullying’ An Officer

This move by EACC comes a few days after the Public Service Commission, PSC, withdrew CS Magoha’s human resource powers and delegated the same powers to Dr Belio Kipsang.

“… in view of the recent incident in the Ministry of Education relating to the role of the Authorised Officer, the Commission has in the meantime withdrawn the delegation of its powers and functions from the Cabinet Secretary, Prof. George Magoha, and delegated the said powers to the Principal Secretary for Early Learning and Basic Education, Dr Richard Belio Kipsang, CBS with immediate effect,” reads the   PSC circular signed by Chairman Stephen Kirogo.

In response to the circular, Magoha said that only president Uhuru Kenyatta can withdraw his human resource functions and not any other person.

“Unless otherwise directed by my appointing authority, I shall continue to perform all my duties and responsibilities with zeal and commitment and ensure that all officers in the Ministry of Education perform their duties for the benefit of the Kenyan child, parents and all education stakeholders,” he said.

“While I do concede that I am not perfect, in the process of reforms of the magnitude required to improve service delivery in the education sector, I also recognize that this process is bound to generate resistance if tangible results are to be achieved. My management style which has proved successful over the years is walking about at the point of service delivery,” Magoha added.
