PTE – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 18 Jul 2023 02:34:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Return of ECDE, Primary Teacher Certificate Courses in Fresh Proposals Tue, 18 Jul 2023 02:34:18 +0000 Kenya Union of PrePrimary Education Teachers (KUNOPPET) has urged the government to reintroduce certificate courses for Primary Teacher Education and Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE).

KUNOPPET national chairman, Lawrence Otunga yesterday said it is time to reconsider this decision failure to which, both private and public colleges will be closed due to lack of trainees. He also said that the Government bodies should also learn to involve and consult KUNOPPET and other unions before making such sensitive decisions.

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“We warned them not to interfere with the entry grades for ECDE courses but they ignored us. What followed was a low and poor rate of enrolment in those institutions. Now they have revised it to C plain without cluster subjects,” said Otunga in a statement.

“With poor management of ECDE in most counties, why would a person who at the same time qualifies for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) go for Diploma in ECDE?” he wondered. With the primary option, he said they are assured of being employed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) unlike in counties where it has been a hard task to secure jobs.

“In most counties, unless you volunteered in a public school for decades or are well connected, or can part with good money, it will take a miracle for one to get employed,” he uttered. He said that in the next 10 or more years, there will be a serious shortage of teachers in schools.

TSC Finalizes Plans To Completely Halt Employment of P1 Teachers Thu, 22 Sep 2022 04:31:23 +0000 TSC Finalizes Plans To Completely Halt Employment of P1 Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has finalized its plans towards ensuring a halt in employment of P1 teachers, who pursued a primary teacher education certificate.

Through its document titled ‘Framework on entry requirement in the teaching service,’ TSC has revealed its plan to do away with PTE certificate as the minimum requirement for entry into teaching service.

Via the same framework, the commission has replaced PTE certificate with a Diploma which will be in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

TSC says for a teacher to be employed to teach Grade 1 to 6 he/she must possess a Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE).

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The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

Updated: List Of Registered Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya

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“That the minimum qualification for entry into teaching in Kenya at all levels be a Diploma in Education,” reads the framework.

According to the framework however, TSC has confirmed that it will recognize post training upgrade certificates for teachers who completed ECDE, PTE, DTE BED, DIP ED and SNE training courses.

The Commission says one must have a minimum Mean Grade C (plain) or its equivalent at KCSE and above and a PTE awarded by Knec.

The teachers will then be allowed to teach Grade 1-3 and 4-6 with some specialization on the indigenous and foreign languages.

According to TSC data at least 229,00 P1 teachers are upgrading their skills in various Teacher Training Colleges (TTCS).

The latest decision by TSC will be a blow to P1 teachers who still have hopes that the Commission will employ them even if they fail to upgrade their Primary Teacher Education(PIE) certificates.

In the July 2022 recruitment of teachers for instance, TSC favoured P1 teachers who have upgraded to Diploma.

The new scoresheet released by the Commission awarded 10 marks to teachers with evidence of CBC upgrade certificate during recruitment interviews.

However no teacher had the Upgrade certificate since the pioneer Upgraders are now set to start their teaching practice when schools reopen in September before being awarded the CBC upgrade certificate.

Education ministry invites applications for upgrading P1 and ECDE Certificates To Diploma Sun, 01 Aug 2021 03:49:54 +0000 Education ministry invites applications for upgrading P1 and ECDE Certificates To Diploma

The ministry of education has opened windows for applicants who hold early childhood development education (ECDE) and primary teacher education (PTE) certificate to upgraded to diploma in early childhood teacher education (DECTE) and diploma in primary teacher education (DIPTE) respectively in teacher training colleges.

All applicants who wish to be considered for admission in diploma in early childhood teacher education and diploma in primary teacher education in TTCs are therefore invited to apply.

The targeted group in the first phase of applications which ends on 13th August are trained teachers holding ECDE or PTE certificates and not yet employed by TSC, who will be enrolled for a full-time programme. A school-based upgrading programme is being organized for teachers who are already in service and will start once the school calendar normalizes.

To apply, download the application forms from . Alternatively, the forms can be obtained from the county director of education offices countrywide.

Duly filled forms should be submitted to the sub-county director of education offices before 13th August 2021. Those with special needs are encouraged to apply.

Entry requirements for upgrading to diploma in early childhood education

  1. The applicant must possess a valid ECDE certificate
  2. The applicant must be registered by the teachers’ service commission
  3. The duration of the course shall be 1890 hours
  4. The course shall be fully residential
  5. The trainee shall take courses specified in the upgrading programme of diploma in early childhood teacher education (DECTE)
  6. The trainees shall undertake a teaching PRACTICUM OF 300 hours

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Diploma in primary and early childhood teacher education intake 2021

How To Apply For Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Course Online

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All P1 Teachers To Upgrade To Diploma

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

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Updated: List Of Registered Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya

List of TTCs Accredited To Offer Diploma in Primary Teacher Education

7. To be awarded the diploma, the trainee must complete the required hours of course work and pass the stipulated assessment by the Kenya national examinations council, KNEC.

8. The applicant shall be required to produce evidence of adherence to positive moral values and good behavior.

Entry requirements for upgrading to diploma in Primary Teacher education

  1. The applicant must possess a valid PTE certificate
  2. The applicant must be registered by the teachers’ service commission
  3. The duration of the Couse shall be 1500 hours
  4. The course shall be fully residential
  5. The trainee shall take courses specified in the upgrading programme of diploma in diploma in Primary teacher education (DECTE)
  6. The trainees shall undertake a teaching practicum of 300 hours
  7. To be awarded the diploma, the trainee must complete the required hours of course work and pass the stipulated assessment by the Kenya national examinations council, KNEC.
  8. The applicant shall be required to produce evidence of adherence to positive moral values and good behavior.
The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application Sat, 02 Jan 2021 18:49:30 +0000 The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

The new diploma in primary teacher education has been introduced by the government to phase out P1 course, which since introduction, has produced primary school teachers.

The new diploma in primary teacher education will be offered in the current primary teacher colleges, beginning May 2021.

Those who are interested in applying should apply for the May 2021 Intake, which is ongoing.


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The new diploma in primary teacher education Entry requirements

 The entry requirements for the new diploma in primary teacher education are C Plain in the KCSE or its equivalent.

The new diploma in primary teacher education Course duration

 The new diploma in primary teacher education training shall take three years, as per the approved curriculum designs.

The new diploma in primary teacher education Specialization

 The teachers’ trainees for the new diploma in primary teacher education will specialize in only three subject areas.

The specialization areas have been clustered into four, but teachers will only pick one subject per cluster. Specialization will begin from year one.

  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster one subjects
  • Kenya Sign Language
  • Indigenous Languages
  • Foreign Languages (German, French, Arabic and Mandarin (Chinese).
  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster two subjects
  • Mathematics
  • Home Science
  • Agriculture
  • Science and Technology
  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster three subjects
  • Social Studies
  • Religious Education(CRE, HRE, IRE)
  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster four subjects
  • Art and Craft
  • Music

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education Compulsory Subjects

  • English
  • Kiswahili
  • Physical and Health Education (PHE)
  • Kenya sign language for hearing impaired

The mandatory learning areas will build on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the young teacher for effective lesson delivery.

The new diploma in primary teacher education Evaluation

 Upon completing the required hours for coursework and passed the stipulated KNEC assessment, one will be approved to teach in any primary school countrywide.

The teachers will also be required to have completed the required hours for the practicum and passed the stipulated KNEC assessment.

The teachers will undergo a three months micro teaching course, which will be a requirement for teaching practice. During micro teaching, the trainees will prepare teaching and learning materials, which they will use to teach their peers.

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education Placement

Upon completion of the course, the trainees will be registered and employed by the TSC in any primary school across the country.


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