SALARY FREEZE – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Fri, 26 Nov 2021 04:21:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 It’s Because of us That the Salary Freeze Guidelines Were Withdrawn, Oyuu Boasts Fri, 26 Nov 2021 04:21:37 +0000 It’s Because Of us That the Salary Freeze Guidelines Were Withdrawn, Oyuu Boasts

The Kenya national union of teachers’ secretary general, Collins Oyuu is now giving himself credit for the withdrawal of SRC’s salary freeze guidelines. Speaking at a church in Awendo, the KNUT boss said its because of the letters KNUT served to TSC, parliament and SRC that the salary freeze was lifted, implying that there can be negotiation for salary better perks in less than two years, as opposed to the initial SRC guidelines that froze salary increase for two years.

“We have served more than twice with the teachers’ service commission, and we also serve with members of parliament, selected members of parliament to review the issue of SRC, guidelines on the two years, where every other institution signing a CBA was to wait for two years without any cash being discussed. That was thrown out of parliament and the guidelines withdrawn and we now have the opportunity to negotiate on better terms and conditions of service in line with your pay hike,” said Oyuu.

Assuring teachers that that KNUT will do everything possible to ensure their welfare is improved and right are not infringed, Oyuu urged teachers making noise over TPD and cashless CBA to stop making noise since the government can’t be pushed by noise.

“You cannot push the government by making noise. You can only push the government by sitting on a round table and addressing issues one after the other, Afterall, when you say you are speaking to the government through the press, how sure are you that the government is listening? The person listening to you is the press,” he added.

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Oyuu also cautioned teachers to avoid the press since the government doesn’t listen to teachers’ issues via the media but rather through a round table.

“So, let’s avoid the press or the media at all costs so that what the media can come out and talk about are the successes of the negotiations that went round silently. Right now, as we speak, the teaching fraternity is now encountered with a lot in the air about transfers of teachers and the transfers are being said to be punitive outside there. Nobody has told you of a transfer that is said to be punitive and our mandate as KNUT, the mouth piece of the teacher, is to speak on your behalf. Any other person who has been transferred and you feel tis is not in line, come to us,”

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