TSC INTERNSHIP – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 12 Jul 2022 03:28:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Non-Interns May Not Be Invited For July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews https://elimupedia.com/non-interns-may-not-be-invited-for-july-2022-tsc-recruitment-interviews.html Tue, 12 Jul 2022 02:57:59 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8101 Non-Interns May Not Be Invited For July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

The Teacher service commission (TSC) is preparing to recruit an additional 5,000 new teachers and replace 8,230 other teachers who quit service due to natural attrition.

Judging from the July 2022 merit lists released by the TSC and are already in circulation, most applicants who appear in the top five in each school have served as intern teachers, either at senior level or junior level.

In the advertised vacancies 6,539 posts were for primary schools and 1,691 posts were for secondary schools.

Without a doubt, the intern teachers are will be favoured during the interviews and might clinch most of the vacancies.

It’s unfortunate for applicants who didn’t secure internship contract in the latest changes on TSC score sheet. This category of teachers will not be considered during invitation of applicants for the interviews if the latest Score sheet is adopted.

This should however not discourage applicants since luck also has a role to play bearing that the slots are so many. Should you be invited, don’t fail to attend any interview.

Read also:

Updated Merit Lists For July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

List of Applicants who have been Disqualified From Participating in July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interviews

Schools to Register Afresh Ahead of Junior Secondary rollout

July 2022 TSC Recruitment Interview Merit Lists Per County


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According to earlier information from the teachers’ commission, only top five applicants will be invited by schools in every slot advertised, yet the first five in most slots are teachers who have served as interns. Case study from previous employment clearly show that no teacher without this marks will come any close to top five.  This move has completely isolated these group of teachers without the internship marks.

However, some subject combinations will not rely on internship. Among them are; Phyc-chem, Bio- Agric, Home science, Computer.

Numerous changes have been made in this year’s marking scheme. Maximum internship marks has been slashed from 30 to 15 marks.

This will only serve those who have worked for 3 years.

Those who have been in intern for 2 years and 1 year will score 15marks, 10 marks respectively.  Those who have served for less than a year will score 5 marks.

Evidence Required by intern teachers

  • Three Most recent Pay slips for 2022 Duly certified by the principal.
  • Recommendation letter from Head of The Institution you were interned.
  • Letter of Offer from the County Director of Education detailing when you were contracted

Note that in order to score the marks for internship, the aforementioned documents must be presented on the day of the interview.

Awarding of marks for Qualification

Degree (BED)
First class & Second Class Upper 40
Pass 35
Degree + PGDE or BSC+PGDE
First class & Second Class Upper 40
Pass 35
Maximum Score 40
Distinction & Credit 35
Pass 30
Diploma in Education or Dip Tech. Education
Distinction & Credit 35
Pass 30
Maximum Score 35


Evidence of internship service  
Served for three (3) years 15
Served for three (3) years 10
Currently serving the first year of internship  5
Maximum Score 15

Awarding of marks for Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher (since graduation)


2017  and Before 40
2018 35
2019 and after 30


Maximum Score 40

Communication ability and Co-curricular certificate of participation

One who has a co-curricular certificate of participation will also stand higher chances of scoring more marks. This part is very crucial when it comes to breaking of ties.

 (i) Communication abilitya)           Communication skills—————————–

b)           Presentation—————————————-


-(ii)   Knowledge of current trends in Education

Sector ————————————————–


(iii)    Special talents (Leadership awards and               acknowledgement)


NB: No candidate should score zero in  this section


















One who has a co-curricular certificate of participation will also stand higher chances of scoring more marks. This part is very crucial when it comes to breaking of tie.


This is why TSC Has given interns a head start in the July Recruitment exercise https://elimupedia.com/this-is-why-tsc-has-given-interns-a-head-start-in-the-july-recruitment-exercise.html Mon, 05 Jul 2021 16:49:58 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3657 This is why TSC Has given interns a head start in the July Recruitment exercise

The teachers service commission, TSC has pre-awarded currently serving intern teachers 30 marks in the recently advertised July recruitment and replacement posts whose applications are still ongoing.

This is one decision that has attracted talks and criticisms from a section of Kenyans. A section of teachers feels that TSC is slowly making internship a compulsory requirement prior to recruitment. While justifying the essence of internship three years ago, TSC hinted that in future, all teachers will have to undergo a three-year internship programme before being absorbed under permanent and pensionable terms and conditions.

Applicants who are not currently serving as interns feel that the competition is not on a leveled play field since compensating for 30 marks to beat a competitor is impossible even if both of you are five years apart and the intern has a second class lower while you have a masters.

The 30 marks awarded to interns in the already released preliminary marking scheme will make unemployed teachers to scramble for internship posts the next time they are advertised till it will reach a level where non intern teachers will stop attending recruitment interviews to give way for the interns. When such a time reaches, according to the sources at TSC, there will be no more recruitment but confirmation of serving interns and contracting of fresh interns. Demand for internship will make TSC to skillfully stop recruiting teachers.

Read also:

TSC Advertises July 2021 Mass Recruitment Primary And Post Primary Teachers

Top 10 subject Combinations With the Highest TSC Employability Rates in 2021

Subject Combinations With the Lowest Employability Rates

Top 10 Subject Combinations That Guarantee Quickest Employment

Years of Graduation Likely to Win in the 2021 TSC Replacement per subject combination

TSC List Of Transfered Teachers in June 2021 Per County

For the remaining periods before TSC starts confirming interns officially, interns will be awarded marks based on durations they have served under internship.

Teachers have up to July 12 to apply online for the vacancies after which the shortlisted ones will be invited for interviews by the respective schools.

The commission at the same time advertised for 1000 vacancies for primary teachers wishing to teach in Secondary schools.

Drama As Maasai TSC  Intern Applicants Chase Non-Locals  From Maasai girls https://elimupedia.com/drama-as-maasai-tsc-intern-applicants-chase-non-locals-from-maasai-girls.html Tue, 29 Dec 2020 13:55:54 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2075 Drama As Maasai TSC  Intern Applicants Chase Non-Locals  From Maasai girls

Drama ensued at Maasai girls secondary school on 29th December 2020 when a group of applicants who had been invited for the interviews chased another camp of applicants, calling them foreigners.

Teacher interns from the maasai  community mercilessly chased their counterparts from other regions, in a bid to block them from from attending the interview at Maasai girls secondary school.


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Updated: P1 2020 TSC Internship Interview Merit Lists Per county

TSC Internship Interview Merit lists Per County

Years of graduation likely to win in TSC internship 2020

Those chased were potential teacher interns from Kipsigis, Bomet, Kericho, among other counties. According to the Maasai applicants, they have never left maasai land to attend interviews in other counties, and therefore, intruders from other counties should not attend interviews at their schools.

“These foreigners should leave us alone! Maasai land cannot be a hub for foreign teachers, yet our people do not attend interviews in their regions,” shouted a teacher in the middle of a rowdy crowd.

All that the intern applicants wanted was for applicants from other regions to go back and attend interviews at their respective regions.

Police officers had to use tear gas to scatter the charged crowds, bringing the whole process to a temporary halt.

TSC interviews do not discriminate since TSC calls herself an equal opportunity employer. Any teacher, so long as he or she is qualified, is allowed to apply for a TSC job in any part of Kenya. Furthermore, TSC implements a delocalization policy, which sees most teachers, especially heads, being delocalized to foreign schools, away from their homes.
